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T h e A u r o r a M a c r o L a n g u a g e G u i d e
The Aurora Macro Language Guide
Version 1.20, January 1994
Copyright (c) 1993-1994 Aurora Terra, Inc.
Aurora Terra, Inc.
P.O. Box 34275
Bethesda, MD. 20827-0275 USA
301-468-2255 (Voice)
301-230-1214 (BBS 14,400 V.32bis)
The Aurora Editor is Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Aurora Terra, Inc.
The Aurora Editor/386 is Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Aurora Terra, Inc.
The Aurora Macro Language is Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Aurora Terra, Inc.
No parts of The Aurora Editor software or this document may be copied
in part or in whole, except as provided by the License in the
following pages.
This version of The Aurora Editor is NOT public domain or free
software, but is distributed as "shareware" for evaluation purposes
only. Please refer to the license information in the following pages.
The Aurora Editor is a trademark of Aurora Terra, Inc.
The Aurora Editor/386 is a trademark of Aurora Terra, Inc.
The Aurora Macro Language is a trademark of Aurora Terra, Inc.
Other product names found throughout this document are trademarks of
various companies.
Table of Contents ii
Table of Contents
I-1 Introduction..................................................iii
1-1 The Aurora Macro Language.......................................1
1-2 Macro Language Sentences........................................2
1-3 Comments........................................................3
1-4 Evaluating Arguments............................................3
1-5 Function Call Series............................................4
1-6 Variables.......................................................5
1-7 Native Functions................................................6
1-8 Defining Functions..............................................8
1-9 Control Functions..............................................10
1-10 Logical Functions.............................................11
1-11 Objects.......................................................12
1-12 Handling Events...............................................14
1-13 The Interpreter and Compiler..................................16
2-1 Native Function List...........................................17
3-1 Native Functions - In Detail...................................24
3-2 Definition Functions...........................................25
3-3 Conditional Functions..........................................26
3-4 Logical Functions..............................................27
3-5 Bitwise Logical Functions......................................27
3-6 Control Functions..............................................28
3-7 Arithmetic Functions...........................................28
3-8 String Functions...............................................29
3-9 Evaluation and Compilation Functions...........................32
3-10 Miscellaneous Functions.......................................33
3-11 Object Functions..............................................34
3-12 Disk Functions................................................36
3-13 System Functions..............................................41
3-14 Timer Functions...............................................44
3-15 Keyboard Functions............................................45
3-16 Mouse Functions...............................................47
3-17 Queue Functions...............................................48
3-18 Video Functions...............................................50
3-19 Text Buffer Functions.........................................53
3-20 Mark Functions................................................61
3-21 Window Functions..............................................70
A-1 The Aurora Macro Language and The Aurora Editor................85
Introduction iii
Warranty Disclaimer
Aurora Terra makes no warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software and
accompanying documentation.
I-1 Introduction
This is The Aurora Macro Language Guide. It describes all of the
features and native functions of The Aurora Macro Language. Prior
knowledge of another programming language such as C or Pascal may be
helpful in understanding this document.
For information on how to install, configure, and use The Aurora
Editor, see "The Aurora Editor Users Guide".
It is not necessary to understand all the details of the Aurora Macro
Language to use The Aurora Editor. However, experienced users may find
the macro language to be very useful for writing new editor functions,
or in configuring detailed aspects of the editor. Knowledge of the
macro language may also help you to better understand the keyboard
definition (AKBD.A), menu definition (AMEN.A), configuration (ACFG.A),
and text translation definition (ATRN.A) files for The Aurora Editor.
This document describes macro language "native" functions which are
built in to The Aurora Macro Language. The Aurora Editor also uses
many "library functions" which are built up from native functions and
are contained in the file ALIB.X. Library functions are documented in
The Aurora Editor Users Guide (A.DOC), and summarized in The Aurora
Editor Quick Reference (AREF.DOC).
The Aurora Macro Language 1
1-1 The Aurora Macro Language
The Aurora Macro Language is a flexible, interpreted language, which
is simple in syntax, yet rich in function. A primary design goal was
to keep the macro language interpreter and compiler small enough so
they would fit in the same .EXE file as the rest of the editor. This
allows the editor to execute macro language expressions interactively
within an editor session, and greatly enhances the overall flexibility
of the editor. Both the interpreter and compiler are accessible as
native functions within the macro language itself.
The Aurora Macro Language may appear somewhat similar to LISP in
syntax, but the resemblance ends there. The Aurora Macro Language is
primarily a "string-oriented" language with "the string" as the only
visible data type. All functions and data are viewed as character
strings and can be manipulated as character strings. Since there is
only one data type, no variable declarations are required.
The Aurora Macro language is also "object-oriented". Functions and
data can be encapsulated into "objects", and object hierarchies can be
created with "inheritance" and "multiple inheritance". Inheritance
hierarchies can also be dynamically altered.
1-2 Macro Language Sentences
Each program in written in The Aurora Macro Language is really just a
string composed of a series of macro language "sentences". Each
sentence is composed of a series of "words" separated by spaces, and
each sentence is usually terminated by a period. The first word in
each sentence is the name of a function to execute, and any words that
follow are arguments to the function. For example:
abc 1 2 3.
xyz "foo" "bar" x.
In the above example, two sentences are evaluated. The arguments "1",
"2", and "3" are passed to the function "abc", and the strings "foo",
"bar", and the variable "x" are passed to the function "xyz".
Function names can be up to 255 characters in length and may contain
any characters. You can use "native" (built-in) functions, or define
your own functions.
Macro Language Sentences 2
A function can have up to 100 arguments, or no arguments at all.
Arguments to a function may be integers from -2147483647 to
+2147483647, strings enclosed in double quotes, variables, or even
other sentences.
Hex integers can be specified by adding an "h" at the end of the
integer. A leading zero is required if the hex integer begins with an
alphabetic character. For example, "1h", "3CH", and "0FFFFh" are valid
hex integers.
Strings may be up to 16000 characters in length, and variable names
may be up to 255 characters in length.
If an argument to a function is another sentence, it must be enclosed
in parentheses:
abc 1 (xyz "foo" "bar" x) 3.
In the above example, the arguments "foo", "bar", and the value of the
variable "x" are passed to the function "xyz". The result of
evaluating "xyz" becomes the second argument to the function "abc".
Note that a terminating period is not required for the sentence
beginning with "xyz" since it is already terminated by a right
An argument may also be composed of more than one sentence. In this
case, the value of the argument is the value of the last sentence:
abc 1 (alpha "foo" "bar". beta. gamma 5 6) 3.
In the above example, the value of the second argument to "abc" is the
result of evaluating the sentence "gamma 5 6".
A sentence may be spread out over more than one line and spaces may be
inserted anywhere in the sentence, as long as the words in the
sentence are not split. The above example could also be written as:
abc 1 (
alpha "foo" "bar".
gamma 5 6
) 3.
Comments 3
1-3 Comments
Single line and multi-line comments can be inserted anywhere within a
macro language program. In a single line comment, any characters
located between two slashes (//) and the end of the line are ignored
(except if they are contained within a double quoted string). For
abc 1 2 3. // this is a single line comment
xyz "foo" "bar" x. // this is another single line comment
Multi-line comments can span any number of lines. For multi-line
comments, any characters located between the comment delimiters "/*"
and "*/" are ignored. For example:
abc 1 2 3.
/* this is a
multi-line comment */
xyz "foo" "bar" x.
1-4 Evaluating Arguments
When the interpreter evaluates a macro language sentence, each
argument in the sentence is evaluated from first to last. The
resulting values for each argument are passed to the function (the
first "word" in the sentence) and the function is evaluated. For
abc 1 "foo" x (xyz 5 6).
In the above macro language sentence, the first argument evaluates
to "1", the second argument evaluates to "foo", the third argument
evaluates to value of the variable "x", and the fourth argument
evaluates to the value of the sentence "xyz 5 6".
You can prevent the evaluation of an argument by prefixing it with
the "literal" operator (%). For example:
abc 1 "foo" %x (xyz 5 6).
The difference between the above example and the previous example is
that the third argument is now the string "x", not the variable "x" (x
is not evaluated). As you can see from the above example, using the
literal operator (%) can also be a convenient way to specify string
arguments (that contain no blanks), without enclosing the string in
double quotes.
Evaluating Arguments 4
If all of the function arguments are prefixed with the literal (%)
operator, you can remove the literal operator from the arguments and
attach it to the end of the function name. For example:
xyz %foo %bar %x.
is equivalent to:
xyz% foo bar x.
In both the examples above, the strings "foo", "bar", and "x" are
passed to the function "xyz". Note that some native functions in the
macro language (such as the "fun" function) do not normally evaluate
their arguments. These functions automatically assume that all
arguments are "literal", without having to use the literal operator.
The inverse of the literal operator is the "evaluation" operator (@).
This operator forces evaluation of an argument, even when the function
name is suffixed with the literal operator (%). For example:
xyz% foo bar @x.
In the example above, the third argument evaluates to the value of the
variable "x", not the string "x". The first and second arguments still
evaluate to the strings "foo" and "bar".
Both the literal operator (%) and the evaluation operator (@) can be
used to specify "null" arguments (strings of zero length) when they
are specified by themselves. For example:
xyz @ % %foobar.
In the example above, the first and second arguments are "null"
strings, and the third argument is the string "foobar".
1-5 Function Call Series
In many programming languages, the situation often arises where the
same function is called many times in series, each time with different
arguments. The Aurora Macro Language provides a convenient way to
handle this situation: just specify the function name once and then
specify each set of arguments separated by commas. For example:
abc 1 2 3.
abc 4 5 6.
abc 7 8 9.
Function Call Series 5
is equivalent to:
abc 1 2 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 9.
1-6 Variables
The Aurora Macro Language allows you to assign values to variables
which are local to a function definition, or that reside in a macro
language "object" (see the "Defining Functions" and "Objects" sections
below for a description of function definitions and objects).
Variables local to a function are referred to as "local" variables,
whereas variables that reside in an object are referred to as "object"
variables. There is no need to define either of these variables. Both
variable types are defined the first time a variable assignment is
The native function "=" is used to assign a value to a local variable.
For example:
= %x 3. // local variable x is assigned a value of "3"
Note that in the example above, the argument "x" must be preceded by
the literal operator (%), otherwise the VALUE of the variable "x"
(instead of the variable "x") would be assigned the value "3".
The above example could also have been written as:
= "x" 3. // local variable x is assigned a value of "3"
Local variable assignments exist until they are re-assigned or until
the function in which they are contained returns.
To assign a value to a "object" variable, use the "set" native
function. The assignment will be made in the "default" object, unless
an object name is explicitly specified between two slash (/)
characters. For example:
set %x 3. // object variable x in the "default" object is
// assigned the value "3"
set %/aurora/x 3. // object variable x in the object "aurora" is
// assigned the value "3"
Object variable assignments exist until they are re-assigned or until
the object in which they are located is destroyed. Since object
variable assignments can remain in effect across function calls, they
are considered to be "global" variables.
Variables 6
These are more examples of variable assignments:
=% x foobar. // assigns "foobar" to local variable x
= %i x. // assigns the value of x to local var i
= %i (abc 3 x). // assigns the value of the expression
// "abc 3 x" to local variable i
set% x foobar. // assigns "foobar" to object variable x
// (in the default object)
set %x y. // assigns the value of y to object var x
set %x (xyz). // assigns the value of the function
// "xyz" to object variable x
set (xyz) %x. // assigns "x" to the variable name which
// is the value of function "xyz"
set %/aurora/x y. // assigns the value of y to object var x
// in the object "aurora"
When a reference is made to a variable which has never been assigned a
value (a "non-existent" variable), the value of that variable is
always the "null" string (a string of length zero).
Note that when variables are referenced, local variables have higher
precedence than object variables. For example:
= %x 4.
set %x 5.
abc x.
In the example above, the value "4" will be passed to the function
"abc". The argument "x" to function "abc" refers to the local variable
"x", not the object variable "x".
1-7 Native Functions
The Aurora Macro Language has hundreds "native" functions, which are
pre-defined or "built-in". A few commonly used native functions may be
used in later examples and are worth mentioning briefly here:
eq returns "1" if all of its arguments are equal, otherwise
it returns the null string.
ne returns "1" if all of its arguments are not equal,
otherwise it returns the null string.
Native Functions 7
> returns "1" if each of its arguments is numerically
greater than the argument which follows, otherwise it
returns the null string.
< returns "1" if each of its arguments is numerically less
than the argument which follows, otherwise it returns the
null string.
+ returns the numeric sum of all of its arguments.
- if only one argument is specified, it returns the numeric
negative of the argument, otherwise it returns the value of
the first argument minus all the arguments which follow.
* returns the numeric product of all of its arguments.
/ returns the value of the first argument divided by all the
arguments which follow.
cat concatenates all of its arguments and returns the result.
sub returns the substring of its first argument taken from the
position of the second argument and extending for the
length of the third argument.
fin searches for the second argument inside the first argument
and returns the position if found, otherwise it returns
beep beeps the PC speaker at the frequency of the first argument
for the duration of the second argument.
say displays a message on the window title bar (this function is
documented in "The Aurora Editor Users Guide").
Defining Functions 8
1-8 Defining Functions
The Aurora Macro Language has many native functions which are
pre-defined when a macro language program is evaluated. No further
definitions are required to use native functions.
To create your own functions, you must first define them with the
native function "fun". For example:
fun hello (
say "hello".
beep 300 300.
In the example above, the function "hello" is defined. Note that the
native function "fun" automatically assumes that both its arguments
are literal. The literal operator (%) is not required. Also note that
the definition of "hello" is a macro language "sentence", and
therefore requires a terminating period.
Arguments passed to user-defined functions can be accessed with the
the "arg" and "qarg" native functions. The "arg" native function maps
any arguments passed to the function to local variables within the
function. For example:
fun hello (
arg s f.
say s.
beep f 300.
In the example above, the local variables "s" and "f" are mapped to
the first two arguments passed to "hello". The variables "s" and "f"
can then be used in any expression within the function. This does not
mean that exactly two arguments must always be passed to "hello". Any
number of arguments may be passed to any function. If only one
argument were passed to the function "hello" in the example above, the
value of the local variable "f" would be the null string. If three
arguments were passed to "hello", the third argument would not be
accessible as a local variable.
The "qarg" native function allows you access function arguments by the
order in which they where passed. The "qarg" function takes one
argument: the relative position of the argument being passed to the
function. The following example is equivalent to the previous example:
Defining Functions 9
fun hello (
say (qarg 1).
beep (qarg 2) 300.
Note that "qarg 0" will return total number of arguments passed to the
Remember that you can call any function with any number of arguments
at any time. The number of arguments is always determined by the
function call, not the function.
It is also possible to call non-existent or undefined functions.
Calling an undefined function will always return the value of the last
argument passed to the undefined function. Calling a defined function
returns the value of the last sentence in the function. For example:
fun abc (
arg x y.
dothis 1 x.
dothat 2 y.
hello x y.
abc "hello world" 300.
In the example above, the function "abc" is defined and then called
with the arguments "hello world" and "300". The return value of the
call to "abc" would be the result of evaluating the last sentence
"hello x y". If the function "hello" is not defined, the return value
of "abc" would be "300".
It is also possible to call the "null" function by using the literal
operator (%) or the evaluation operator (@) as the function name.
Since the null function is not defined, it always returns the value of
the last argument passed to it. This can be useful for returning
variables or constant values from a function. For example:
fun xyz (
= %x 3.
% x.
set %y (xyz).
In the example above, the function "xyz" is defined and then called
with no arguments. The function "xyz" assigns "3" to the local
variable "x" and then returns the value of "x" (3). The object
variable "y" is then assigned a value of "3".
Control Functions 10
1-9 Control Functions
There are several native functions which can be used to control the
flow of execution of a macro language program. Note that no special
syntax is required to use control functions. They are treated just
like any other function. The difference between control functions and
other functions is that not all of the arguments to a control function
are always evaluated.
Perhaps the most commonly-used control function is the "if" function.
The first argument of the "if" function is always evaluated. If the
first argument does not evaluate to zero or null, then the second
argument is evaluated, otherwise the third argument is evaluated. The
return value of the "if" function is the value of the second or third
argument, depending on which one is evaluated. For example:
if x (abc) (xyz).
In the example above, if the variable x is "0" or null, then the
function "xyz" is evaluated, otherwise the function "abc" is
"Conditional" native functions such as "eq" are often used with the
"if" function. For example:
if (eq s "yes") (
= %x 1.
beep 700 200.
= %x 2.
beep 200 200.
In the example above, if the variable "s" is equal to "yes", the value
"1" is assigned to local variable "x" and a high-pitched beep is
heard. If "s" is not equal to "yes", the value "2" is assigned to "x"
and low-pitched beep is heard.
The "if" function can be used anywhere that any other function can be
used. For example:
= %x (if (eq s "no") "nope" "yup").
In the example above, if the variable "s" is equal to "no", then the
value "nope" is assigned to "x", otherwise the value "yup" is assigned
to "x".
Control Functions 11
The "while" and "dowhile" functions are control functions which can be
used to perform looping operations. The "while" function will evaluate
its first and second arguments repeatedly while its first argument
is "true" (non-null and non-zero). For example:
= %x 1000.
while x (
beep x 200.
= %x (- x 100).
In the example above, the PC speaker will beep 10 times, each time
with decreasing frequency.
The "dowhile" function is similar to the "while" function, except that
the first and second arguments are evaluated repeatedly until the
second argument evaluates to "false" (null or zero). The following
example is equivalent to the previous example:
= %x 1000.
dowhile (
beep x 200.
= %x (- x 100).
) x.
1-10 Logical Functions
The logical functions test the logical values of their arguments to
return either "1" (true) or null (false). Like the control functions
(see above), not all of the arguments to a logical function are always
The following logical functions are available:
and returns "1" if all its arguments evaluate to "true"
(non-null and non-zero). If an argument does not evaluate
to "true", then no more arguments are evaluated.
or returns "1" if at least one of its arguments evaluate to
"true". No more arguments are evaluated after the first
"true" argument is found.
! returns "1" if all of its arguments evaluate to "false",
otherwise it returns null. All arguments are evaluated.
The following example demonstrates the use of logical functions:
Logical Functions 12
if (and ((eq x 3) (or y z))) (beep 400 400).
In the example above, a beep is heard only if the variable "x" is "3",
and at least one of the variables "y" or "z" are true (non-null and
1-11 Objects
In The Aurora Macro Language, an object is a user-defined group of
function definitions and variable assignments. Each object has a name
(up to 255 characters). By default, all object variables and functions
are placed in the pre-defined object "a". The object "a" is
automatically created by the interpreter whenever a macro language
program is evaluated.
To create a new object, you must use the native function "objnew". For
objnew% aurora 17.
In the example above, a new object called "aurora" will be created.
The object "aurora" will have an estimated size of 17 function
definitions and/or variable settings (this size estimate is used by
the interpreter to create an optimized internal index).
To add functions or variable assignments to the object you created,
use the "obj" native function:
obj aurora (
set %x 1. // assign 1 to variable x in object "aurora"
set %y 2. // assign 2 to variable y in object "aurora"
fun abc ( // define function "abc" in object "aurora"
say "abc".
fun xyz ( // define function "xyz" in object "aurora"
say "xyz".
In the example above, any variable assignments or function definitions
within the scope of the "obj" sentence will be added to the object
"aurora" (the default object is "aurora" inside the obj sentence).
Variable assignments or functions definitions made outside the scope
of the "obj" sentence would be added to the default object "a".
Objects 13
Like the "fun" native function, the "obj" native function assumes that
all its arguments are literal. The literal operator (%) is not
An object can "inherit" the functions and variable assignments of
other objects by grouping them together in "inheritance paths". When a
reference to function or variable is made, and it is not found in the
current "default" object, then the object's inheritance path is
searched until the reference is found. This mechanism works similar to
the way the DOS "PATH" environment variable is searched when executing
DOS programs, except that it is also possible to create hierarchal
search paths.
The searching of inheritance paths is performed automatically by the
macro language interpreter and is transparent to any function call or
variable reference. Note that "native" functions are always accessible
from within any object.
The inheritance path or "ancestry" of an object can be defined when
the object is created with the "objnew" command. For example:
objnew% aurora 17 obj1 obj2.
In the example above, the object "aurora" is created and assigned the
inheritance path "obj1 obj2". When a reference to a function or
variable in the object "aurora" fails, the objects "obj1" and "obj2"
are searched for the reference (in the order they are specified). In
this way the object "aurora" is said to "inherit" the functions and
object variables of "obj1" and "obj2". Using inheritance, the object
"aurora" appears to contain all of the functions and variables of
"obj1" and "obj2". Note that the objects "obj1" and "obj2" may also
have inheritance paths. In this way, hierarchal inheritance paths can
be established.
Consider the following example:
objnew% obj1 1, obj2 1.
objnew% aurora 3 obj1 obj2.
obj obj1 (
set% s hello.
obj obj2 (
fun hello (
arg x y.
say x.
beep y 300.
Objects 14
obj aurora (
hello s 400.
In the example above, the function "hello" is called with the
arguments "s" and "400". Since there is no function "hello" in the
object "aurora", the inheritance path for "aurora" is searched and
"hello" is found in "obj2". Also, since object "aurora" has no
variable "s", the inheritance path is searched and "s" is found in
Object inheritance paths can also be changed dynamically via the
"objpar" native function. For example:
objpar% aurora obj3 obj4.
In the example above, the inheritance path for the object "aurora" is
changed to "obj3 obj4".
Functions and variables in other objects can be referenced directly by
specifying the object name between slash (/) characters immediately
before the function name or variable name. For example:
abc 1 2 /aurora/x. // variable x in object "aurora"
/obj2/xyz "foobar". // function "xyz" in object "obj2"
1-12 Handling Events
Event Handling is a built-in feature of The Aurora Macro Language.
When an external or internal event occurs (a keystroke, mouse event,
or timer event), it is posted to the interpreter event queue. The next
time the interpreter is idle, it will read the event from the event
queue, translate it into a pre-defined function name (with arguments
if applicable), and attempt to call the function. If the user has
properly defined a function with the same pre-defined function name,
the user's function will be called automatically by the interpreter.
When the interpreter calls the user's function, it will always look
for the function in the current "event object" (the event object is
not necessarily the same object as the default object). Only one
object can be the event object at any given time. When a macro
language program is initially evaluated, the event object is the
default object "a", but that can be changed at any time by the program
(see below).
Handling Events 15
If the function is not found in the event object, the interpreter will
search the event object's inheritance path for the event function. In
this way, an object inherits the event-handling capabilities of its
ancestor objects.
It is often useful to change the entire behavior of the keyboard and
mouse simply by making another object the event object. For example,
when you switch from a File Manager window to an Edit window, The
Aurora Editor simply changes current event object, and a whole
different set of keyboard functions and mouse functions become active.
To change the current event object, use the native function "objeve":
objeve %aurora2.
In the example above, the object "aurora2" becomes the current event
You can place your own user-generated events in the interpreter event
queue using the native function "que". For example:
que% xyz 1 3.
In the example above, the function call "xyz 1 3" is placed on the
interpreter event queue. The next time the interpreter is idle, it
will read "xyz 1 3" from the event queue and evaluate it in the
current event object, just like a keyboard or mouse event.
User-generated events can also be directed to an explicitly specified
object (other than the event object), by using the native function
"queobj". For example:
queobj% aurora xyz 1 3.
In the example above, "xyz 1 3" is placed on the interpreter event
queue. However, when the interpreter later reads "xyz 1 3" from the
event queue, it will force the evaluation of "xyz 1 3" to occur in the
object "aurora", not in the current event object.
The native functions "send" and "sendobj" work just like "que" and
"queobj" above, except that the interpreter event queue is bypassed.
The functions specified in "send" and "sendobj" are always called
immediately. For example:
send% xyz 1 3.
sendobj% aurora abc 5 7.
Handling Events 16
In the examples above, "xyz 1 3" is evaluated immediately in the
current event object, and "abc 5 7" is evaluated immediately in the
object "aurora".
1-13 The Interpreter and Compiler
The Aurora Macro Language contains native functions for compiling and
evaluating macro language code.
To evaluate a string of macro language source code from within a macro
language program, use the "evl" function. For example:
= %x "+ 4 5 6".
= %y (evl x).
In the example above, the local variable "x" is assigned a string
which is a macro language expression. In the next sentence, the "evl"
function evaluates the value of "x" and assigns the result (15) to
Since there are many native functions for manipulating strings, you
can actually construct code dynamically and execute it from within a
running macro language program using the "evl" function.
To evaluate macro language code in a file on disk, use the native
function "objdsk". For example:
objdsk %aurora "test.a" 3 4.
In the example above, the contents of the file "test.a" are evaluated
and passed the arguments "3" and "4", with "aurora" as the default
object. The "objdsk" command will evaluate both macro language source
and compiled files (compiled files will execute faster).
To compile a macro language source file on disk, use the native
function "comf". For example:
comf "test.a" "test.x".
In the example above, the file "test.a" is compiled and the result is
placed in the file "test.x".
You can use any filenames you wish for source and compiled files. The
convention is to use the file extension ".A" for macro language source
files, and ".X" for compiled macro language files.
Native Function List 17
2-1 Native Function List
The following section summarizes all available native macro language
functions by category. Each native function is followed by a brief one
line description.
Definition Functions:
= - assign a value to a local variable
set - assign a value to an object variable
ren - rename an object variable or function
uns - remove an object variable or function from an object
fun - define a function
arg - map function arguments to local variables
qarg - access function arguments by ordinal number
Conditional Functions:
eq - test strings for equality
eqi - test strings for equality (ignoring case)
ne - test strings for inequality
== - test integers for equality
!= - test integers for inequality
< - test if each argument is less than the next
> - test if each argument is greater than the next
<= - test if each argument is less than or equal to the next
>= - test if each argument is greater than or equal to the next
Logical Functions:
and - test if all arguments are true
or - test if one argument is true
! - test if no arguments are true
Bitwise Functions:
& - return the "bitwise and" of two strings
| - return the "bitwise or" of two strings
^ - return the "bitwise exclusive or" of two strings
Native Function List 18
Control Flow Functions:
if - if-then-else structure
while - loop while first argument is true
dowhile - loop while second argument is true
Arithmetic Functions:
+ - add all arguments together
- - subtract arguments from first argument
* - multiply all arguments together
/ - divide first argument by other arguments
mod - return modulus of first argument divided by second argument
String Functions:
cat - concatenates all arguments
sub - get a substring of the first argument
fin - search for a string in another string, with optional replace
siz - return the total size (in bytes) of arguments
dup - duplicate a string any number of times
wrd - set the character set to define a "word"
idx - search for the first of a group of characters in a string
vfy - verify that a string is composed of specified characters
chc - change the case of a string
byte - convert an integer to a 1-byte string
word - convert an integer to a 2-byte string
long - convert an integer to a 4-byte string
hex - convert a hex string to a normal string
toh - convert a normal string to a hex string
Evaluation and Compilation Functions:
evl - evaluate a string as macro language code
evla - evaluate a string as if it were a function argument
comf - compile a macro language source file
#get - include a macro language source or compiled file
var - evaluate a string as if it were a variable
prs - parse a string for input to evl or evla.
Native Function List 19
Miscellaneous Functions:
asc - return the ascii integer value of a character
pat - expand a filename to fully qualified name
exe - execute a DOS program
wait - delay for a specified number of milliseconds
beep - beep the PC speaker
Object Functions:
obj - add functions and variables to an object
objnew - create a new object and establish object ancestry
objdes - destroy an object
objsav - save an object
objnam - rename an object
objeve - change the current event object
objpar - change the ancestry of an object
objdsk - evaluate macro language source or compiled code in a file
qobj - test for the existence of an object
qobjsiz - return the size of an object (variables and functions)
qobjexe - return the current object
qobjeve - return the current event object
qobjanc - test for the ancestry of an object
Disk and File Functions:
dskdel - delete a file
dskren - rename a file
dskloc - search for a file in multiple directories
dskfin - search for a string in a file
dskcpy - copy a file
dskcur - change the current disk drive and/or path
dskdir - create a directory
dsktch - touch a file
dskatt - change file attributes
dskopn - open a file for reading or writing
dskcls - close a file
dskrea - read characters from a file
dskwri - write characters to a file
dskpos - change the current position in an open file
qdskatt - test if a file has specified attributes
qdskpat - return the current drive/path or boot path
qdskdrv - return available disk drives
qdskcap - return disk drive capacity (total and used)
System Functions:
sysmem - define maximum XMS/EMS memory
Native Function List 20
sysswp - define swap files
sysprt - define printer settings
syssnd - enable or disable sound
qsysver - return the current version of The Aurora Editor
qsysos - return the current version of the operating system (DOS)
qsyspgm - return the name of The Aurora Editor .EXE file
qsysvar - return the value of an environment variable
Timer Functions:
timdes - destroy a timer
timint - create a interval timer
timalm - create an alarm timer
qtim - return the current time
Keyboard Functions:
kbdenh - enable/disable enhanced keyboard
kbdrpt - define keyboard event reporting mode
kbdclr - clear keyboard buffer
qkbdshf - return keyboard shift status
qkbdchr - wait for a character to be entered and return it
Mouse Functions:
mouini - open and initialize the mouse
moutrm - close the mouse
mousen - adjust mouse sensitivity
mourpt - define mouse event reporting mode
moupos - set the mouse position
mouvis - show/hide the mouse
qmoupos - return the mouse x or y position
Queue Functions:
que - post an event to the event queue
send - send event directly to the event object (bypass queue)
queobj - post an event to an object
sendobj - send an event directly to any object (bypass queue)
quedis - read and dispatch the next event from the event queue
quesiz - set the size of the event queue
quequi - force quedis to return null
Native Function List 21
Video Functions Functions:
vidcsz - set the visible cursor size
vidbli - set the video blink mode
vidfon - set the video mode
vidorg - set the mapping of the virtual to physical screen
vidpri - print a string on the screen
vidbor - set the color of the screen overscan border
vidoff - turn video off
vidon - turn video on
qvidmon - test for monochrome
qvidp - return video info (mapping, size, and blink mode)
Text Buffer Functions:
texdra - redraw all windows displaying the specified text buffer
texcre - create a new text buffer
texmen - create a menu text buffer
texdes - destroy a text buffer
texloa - create a text buffer from a file or directory on disk
texnam - rename a text buffer
textop - make a text buffer the current default text buffer
texdty - set or clear the text buffer dirty flag
texdlm - set text buffer line delimiter or binary line length
texusz - set text buffer undo/redo stack size
texovl - overlay a string at an [x,y] position in a text buffer
texinsx - insert a string at an [x,y] position in a text buffer
texdelx - delete a string at an [x,y] position in a text buffer
texinsy - insert one or more strings as lines in a text buffer
texdely - delete one or more lines in a text buffer
qtex - test for the existence of a text buffer
qtexlin - return a portion of a line in a text buffer
qtexend - return the number of lines in text buffer
qtexpre - return the previous text buffer in the text buffer list
qtexdty - return the value of the dirty flag
qtextru - return the value of the truncate flag
qtexlen - return the length of a line
qtexbeg - return the position of the first non-blank char in a line
qtexfld - return info about a text fold
qtextop - return the default text buffer
qtexmrk - return info about marks associated with a text buffer
qtexbin - return text buffer binary line length
qtexmen - return info about a menu text buffer
qtexdir - return info about a directory listing from texloa
Native Function List 22
undbeg - start saving undo/redo information for a text buffer
undend - stop saving undo/redo information for a text buffer
und - undo or redo last text buffer change
Mark Functions:
mrkset - create a new mark or modify an existing mark
mrkdes - destroy a mark
mrknam - rename a mark
mrktop - make a cursor mark the default mark
mrkcol - change the color of a mark
mrkdel - delete the text within a mark
mrkins - copy the text within a mark at a new location
mrkmov - move the text within a mark to a new location
mrkovl - overlay the text within a mark at a new location
mrkshf - shift the text within a mark left or right
mrkfil - fill a mark with a character
mrkcas - change the case of the text within a mark
mrkjus - justify the text within a mark (left, right, center)
mrksrt - sort the text within a mark
mrktab - expand the tab characters within a mark
mrkrfl - reflow the text within a mark
mrksav - save or print the text within a mark
mrkfin - search for and optionally replace text within a mark
mrkrel - relocate a mark to a new position or text buffer
mrkfld - create new text folds or remove existing text folds
qmrk - test for the existence of a mark
qmrkpre - return the previous mark in the text buffer mark list
qmrktex - return the text buffer name associated with a mark
qmrkp - return the mark coordinates, width, or height
qmrkcol - return the column position of a mark (cursor marks)
qmrklin - return the first line number of a mark (cursor marks)
qmrkins - return the insert/overlay state of a mark (cursor marks)
qmrktyp - return the type of mark
qmrkbuf - return the contents of a column mark
qmrkwin - return the window associated with a cursor mark
Window Functions:
windra - redraw specified portion of a window
winset - create, hide, or show a window
Native Function List 23
windes - destroy a window
winnam - rename a window
winttl - change a window title
wineot - change the window end-of-text line
winmen - set the menu bar for a window
winmeh - highlight a menu bar item for a window
wintic - set the title bar controls for a window
winmrk - set the cursor mark for a window
winpar - set the window parent
winnex - alter the placement of the window in the window list
winpre - alter the placement of the window in the window list
winvib - create a local video buffer for a window
wincol - set the window colors
winbor - set the window borders
winfra - set the window frame components
winshd - set the window shadow
winsh2 - set the window shadow for dialog controls
winscr - scroll the contents of a window
winadj - scroll the contents of a window without moving cursor
winbar - set a window scroll bar thumb position
winsiz - resize a window
winmov - move a window
wintil - tile windows on the screen
qwin - test for the existence of a window
qwinmrk - return the cursor mark name associated with a window
qwintex - return the name of the text buffer displayed in a window
qwinx - return the left-most column number displayed in a window
qwiny - return the top-most line number number displayed in a window
qwintop - return the top window
qwinbot - return the bottom window
qwinpre - return the previous window in the window list
qwinnex - return the next window in the window list
qwinchi - return the first/last child window of a specified window
qwinttl - return a window title string
qwinpar - return the parent window of a specified window
qwintit - return a window title or title highlight position
qwincol - return the color of a window component
qwinbor - return window border info
qwinp - return the window coordinates, height, or width
qwinfra - return info about the window frame components
qwinrgn - return the window regions at specified coordinates
qwinbar - return the position of a scroll bar thumb
qwincnt - return the number of windows or child windows
qwinmen - return window menu bar info
qwintic - return window title bar control info
Native Functions - Detail 24
3-1 Native Functions - In Detail
The following sections describe each of the macro language native
functions in detail. The functions are listed in the following format:
functionname [arg 1] [arg 2] [arg 3] ...
The function name is listed first, followed by its arguments in
brackets. The argument and return value "types" are not given, since
they are always character strings.
The "..." indicates that a variable number of arguments (similar to
the previous arguments) may follow. Note that function arguments are
always optional in The Aurora Macro Language. In many cases, the
function will supply a default value if an argument is not specified,
or a null value is specified.
Many functions take an [options] character string as an argument. An
option is just a one character code that tells the function to do
something in a specific way. Each function may have its own set of
options, each with their own meaning. In many cases, multiple options
can be specified in the [options] character string. For example:
fin s "b" %ir. // the options "i" and "r" are passed to the
// function "fin"
Some native function names may include a 3-character prefix (such as
"obj", "tex", mrk", etc.) which indicates the "group" of related
functions that the function belongs to. For example, "objnew" is an
"object" function, "mrkset" is "mark" function, and "texcre" is a
"text buffer" function. Within these function groups, functions whose
only purpose is to return information are also prefixed by a "q"
(query). For example, "qtexend" returns the number of lines in a text
In functions which test for "true" or "false" (such as "if" or "and"),
a value of null or "0" is false. Any other value is true.
Remember, the following section describes "low-level" native
functions. Many other "library" functions are available in The Aurora
Editor (see "The Aurora Editor User's Guide"). Library functions are
"built up" from native functions in The Aurora Macro Language, and are
easier to use for most "high-level" editing operations.
Definition Functions 25
3-2 Definition Functions
= [var name] [value].
Assigns the value [value] to the local variable [var name]. The
local variable is defined only within the current function
definition. Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
set [obj var name] [value].
Assigns the value [value] to the object variable [obj var name]. The
assignment remains in effect until another assignment is made to the
same variable name, or the variable is destroyed or renamed with the
"uns" or "ren" functions (see below). The variable will also be
destroyed if the object containing the variable is destroyed.
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
ren [obj var name] [new obj var name].
Renames the object variable [obj var name] to [new obj var name].
Only the name of the variable changes, not the value. Returns 1 if
success or null if failure.
uns [obj var name].
Destroys or "un-sets" the object variable [obj var name]. Both the
variable name and value are removed from the object in which they
are contained. Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
fun [function name] [function body] [arg 1] [arg 2] ...
Defines the function [function name] by assigning the macro language
expression [function body] to the function [function name].
[arg 1], [arg 2], etc. arg seldom used. They tell the macro language
compiler which arguments are to be compiled whenever they are
encountered in a call to [function name]. This can speed up
performance when an argument to a [function name] is a string
containing a macro language expression which is to be evaluated
within [function name]. [arg 1], [arg 2], etc. are integers
specifying the relative position of the argument to be compiled.
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
Definition Functions 26
arg [var name 1] [var name 2] ...
Names the arguments passed to the function in which it is contained.
After this call, the arguments can be accessed by name.
qarg [argument number n].
Returns the "nth" argument passed to the function in which it is
contained. If n is zero or null, the number of arguments passed to
the function is returned.
3-3 Conditional Functions
eq [string 1] [string 2] ...
Returns 1 if [string 1] is equal to any one of the arguments which
follow it, otherwise it returns null.
eqi [string 1] [string 2] ...
Returns 1 if [string 1] is equal (ignoring case) to any one of the
arguments which follow it, otherwise it returns null.
ne [string 1] [string 2] ...
Returns 1 if [string 1] is not equal to any of the arguments which
follow it, otherwise it returns null.
== [string 1] [string 2] ...
Returns 1 if [string 1] is numerically equal to any one of the
arguments which follow it, otherwise it returns null.
!= [string 1] [string 2] ...
Returns 1 if [string 1] is not numerically equal to any one of the
arguments which follow it, otherwise it returns null.
< [string 1] [string 2] ...
Returns 1 if each argument is numerically less than the next
argument, otherwise it returns null.
Conditional Functions 27
> [string 1] [string 2] ...
Returns 1 if each argument is numerically greater than the next
argument, otherwise it returns null.
<= [string 1] [string 2] ...
Returns 1 if each argument is numerically less than or equal to the
next argument, otherwise it returns null.
>= [string 1] [string 2] ...
Returns 1 if each argument is numerically greater than or equal to
the next argument, otherwise it returns null.
3-4 Logical Functions
and [string 1] [string 2] ...
Evaluates all arguments until an argument returns "0" or null, in
which case it returns null, otherwise it returns 1.
or [string 1] [string 2] ...
Evaluates all arguments until an argument does not return "0" or
null, in which case it returns 1, otherwise it returns null.
! [string 1] [string 2] ...
Returns 1 if all arguments are either "0" or null, otherwise it
returns null.
3-5 Bitwise Logical Functions
& [string 1] [string 2].
Returns [string 1] "and-ed bitwise" with [string 2].
Bitwise Logical Functions 28
| [string 1] [string 2].
Returns [string 1] "or-ed bitwise" with [string 2].
^ [string 1] [string 2].
Returns [string 1] "xor-ed bitwise" with [string 2].
3-6 Control Functions
if [condition] [then body] [else body].
Evaluates the expression [condition]. If it is not "0" or null, then
the expression [then body] is evaluated, otherwise the expression
[else body] is evaluated. Returns the value of the evaluated
while [condition] [while body].
Evaluates the expression [while body] while the expression
[condition] does not evaluate to "0" or null. [condition] is
evaluated before the first evaluation of [while body]. Returns null.
dowhile [while body] [condition].
Evaluates the expression [while body] while the expression
[condition] does not evaluate to "0" or null. [condition] is
evaluated after the first evaluation of [while body]. Returns null.
3-7 Arithmetic Functions
+ [integer 1] [integer 2] ...
Returns the numeric sum of all arguments.
- [integer 1] [integer 2] ...
If only one argument is specified, this function returns the numeric
negative of the argument, otherwise it returns the result of
subtracting all arguments after the first argument, from the first
Arithmetic Functions 29
* [integer 1] [integer 2] ...
Returns the numeric product of all arguments.
/ [integer 1] [integer 2] ...
Returns the result of dividing the first argument by all arguments
after the first argument.
mod [integer 1] [integer 2]
Returns the modulus of dividing the first argument by the second
3-8 String Functions
cat [string 1] [string 2] ...
Returns the concatenated string of all arguments. For example:
cat "abc" "123" %xyz. // returns "abc123xyz"
cat "var" (+ 1 2). // returns "var3"
sub [string] [position] [length].
Returns the substring of [string] starting at character position
[position] and extending for a length of [length] characters. If
[length] is zero or not specified, then the length used is the
length from position to the end of [string]. For example:
sub "Aurora" 3. // returns "rora"
sub "Aurora" 3 2. // returns "ro"
fin [string] [search string] [options] [replace string].
Searches for [search string] within [string]. Any combination of the
following [options] may be specified:
i - case insensitive search
r - search in "reverse", starting from the end of the string
w - search for "whole words" only
If [replace string] is not specified, this function returns the
character position where [search string] was found in [string]
(returns "0" if not found).
String Functions 30
If [replace string] is specified, this function returns a string
where every occurrence of [search string] has been replaced with
[replace string].
fin "Aurora" %r. // returns "3"
fin "Aurora" %R %ri. // returns "5"
fin "Aurora" %r @ %XYZ. // returns "AuXYZoXYZa"
fin "Aurora" %k. // returns "0"
siz [string 1] [string 2] ...
Returns the sum of the string lengths of all of its arguments.
For example:
siz "Aurora". // returns "6"
siz "xyz" %abc %Z. // returns "7"
dup [size] [fill string].
Returns a string of length [size]. If [fill string] is specified,
the string is filled by duplicating [fill string] enough times to
fill the string. For example:
dup 10 "abc". returns "abcabcabca"
If [fill string] is not specified, the contents of the return string
are undefined. Returns null if failure.
wrd [char set].
Sets the default character set for defining a "word" for the "whole
words" only search option. The "whole words" only search option is
used by the "fin" and "mrkfin" functions. [char set] is a string
composed of all the characters in the character set. Character
ranges can be indicated with a hyphen (-). For example:
wrd "abcA-Z0".
The example above sets the default character set to the characters
a, b, c, 0, and the characters A through Z.
idx [string 1] [string 2].
Returns the position in [string 1] of the first character contained
in [string 2]. Returns null if none are found. For example:
String Functions 31
idx "abcde" %b. // returns "2"
idx "abcde" %tdv. // returns "4"
idx "abcde" %xyz. // returns null
vfy [string 1] [string 2].
Returns the position in [string 1] of the first character not
contained in [string 2]. Character ranges such as "a-zA-Z0-9" can be
specified for [string 2]. Returns null if all characters in [string
1] are contained in [string 2]. For example:
vfy "Aurora" "auro". // returns null
vfy "Aurora" "aur". // returns "4"
vfy "Aurora" %a. // returns "2"
chc [string] [options].
Changes the case of [string] and returns the result. The following
[options] may be specified:
l - change all characters to lower case
u - change all characters to upper case
If no options are specified, "u" is assumed. If options "u" and "l"
are both specified, the case of each character in the string is
toggled or "flipped". For example:
chc "Aurora". // returns "AURORA"
chc "Aurora" %l. // returns "aurora"
chc "Aurora" %ul. // returns "aURORA"
byte [integer 1] [integer 2] ...
Converts each integer argument to a string of length 1 (a 1-byte
binary number) and returns the concatenated result. For example:
byte 32 32 20h.
The example above returns a string of 3 blanks.
word [integer 1] [integer 2] ...
Converts each integer argument to a string of length 2 (a 2-byte
binary number) and returns the concatenated result.
long [integer 1] [integer 2] ...
Converts each integer argument to a string of length 4 (a 4-byte
binary number) and returns the concatenated result.
Evaluation and Compilation Functions 32
hex [string 1] [string 2] ...
Converts every two hex characters in each argument string to 1
character and returns the concatenated result. For example:
hex "202020" "2020".
The example above returns a string of 5 blanks.
toh [string 1] [string 2] ...
Converts every character in each argument string to 2 hex characters
and returns the concatenated result. For example:
toh "ABC" "12".
The example above returns the string "4142433132".
3-9 Evaluation and Compilation Functions
evl [expression] [reps].
evla [expression] [reps].
These functions evaluate [expression] for [reps] number of times.
[reps] defaults to "1" if not specified. These functions return the
result of the last evaluation of [expression].
The function "evla" evaluates [expression] as if it were an argument
to a function, whereas "evl" evaluates [expression] as a macro
language sentence.
Note that [expression] is not "parsed" before it is evaluated. If
[expression] must be parsed, use the "prs" function first. For
= %e "beep 100 100".
evl (prs e).
The example above parses the value of the variable "e", evaluates it
as a macro language sentence, and beeps the PC speaker.
comf [source file] [compiled file].
Compiles the macro language source code in the file [source file]
and places the compiled code in the file [compiled file]. If
[compiled file] already exists, then it is overwritten. Returns 1 if
success, or null if failure.
Evaluation and Compilation Functions 33
#get [source or compiled file].
Includes the specified macro language source or compiled file into
the current macro source code when it is evaluated or compiled.
var [string].
Evaluates [string] as a variable and returns the value of the
variable. For example:
var (cat "xy" "z").
The example above returns the value of the variable "xyz".
prs [expression].
Parses the macro language expression [expression] and returns the
result. Parsing will remove comments and insignificant spaces from
the expression.
Parsing is normally done automatically by the "objdsk" function when
source code is loaded and executed, or by the "comf" function when
source code is compiled. However, if a string is constructed and
evaluated while a macro language program is executing, it should
first be parsed before being evaluated by the "evl" function. For
prs "beep 100 100. // beep the speaker".
The example above returns the string "beep 100 100", which can be
then be evaluated by the "evl" function.
3-10 Miscellaneous Functions
asc [string].
Returns the integer ascii value of the first character in [string].
For example:
asc "A". // returns "65"
pat [filename] [filename2/path].
Expands [filename] to a fully qualified filename if it is not fully
qualified or ambiguous. The second argument [filename2/path] is used
as the "template" to construct the fully qualified name. If
[filename2/path] is not specified, then the current drive and
directory are used as the template. For example:
pat "xyz.c" "d:\a\*.*". // returns "d:\a\xyz.c".
Miscellaneous Functions 34
exe [command] [options] [memory].
Executes the DOS command [command]. The string [command] is the DOS
program name (.EXE or .COM file) and parameters exactly as you would
type them on the DOS command line. The following [options] may be
k - prompts the user to return when the command is completed
c - clears the screen before the command begins and restores
the screen after the command is completed
[memory] specifies the amount of memory (in k) to request from DOS
for the program. If [memory] is -1, then the maximum available
memory will be used. The interpreter may swap to XMS memory, EMS
memory, or disk to satisfy this request.
Note: If option "k" is specified, then option "c" is used
internally, whether or not it is specified in the function call.
wait [milliseconds].
Delays execution for the time period specified by [milliseconds].
beep [frequency] [duration].
"Beeps" the PC speaker for the specified frequency and duration. If
[duration] is omitted or zero, the speaker sounds at the specified
frequency until "beep" is called again with no arguments.
[frequency] is in herz and [duration] is in milliseconds.
3-11 Object Functions
Object functions are used to manipulate and return information about
macro language objects. Objects can be used to logically group
together related functions and variables. There are functions for
creating and destroying objects, setting and querying an object's
ancestry, and changing the current "event" handling object. Also, the
"objdsk" function can evaluate macro code in a file on disk. Object
function names use the prefix "obj".
objnew [obj name] [estimated size] [obj 1] [obj 2] ...
Creates a new object [obj name], and optionally establishes the
ancestry of the object. [estimated size] is the estimated number of
variables and functions which you believe the object may contain,
and is used to optimize internal tables. [obj 1], [obj 2], etc are
optional "ancestor" objects from which [obj name] may "inherit"
functions and variable assignments. Returns 1 if success or null if
Object Functions 35
obj [obj name] [obj body].
Adds functions and variables to the object [obj name]. When [obj
body] is evaluated, any function definitions or object variable
assignments within [obj body] are added to the object [obj name].
objdes [obj name].
Destroys the object [obj name]. The object [obj name] is also
removed from the inheritance path of other objects, if applicable.
objsav [obj name] [filename] [options].
Saves the object [obj name] in the file [filename] as a compiled
sequence of "set" function calls. The "objdsk" function can be used
to reload the object from disk. The following options may be
a - append to the end of [filename]
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
objnam [obj name] [new obj name].
Renames the object [obj name] to [new obj name]. Returns 1 if
success or null if failure.
objeve [obj name].
Makes the object [obj name] the current "event" object. The event
object is where the interpreter looks for event handler functions
when dispatching events from the internal event queue.
objpar [obj name] [obj 1] [obj 2] ...
Changes the "inheritance path" or ancestry of the object [obj name]
to [obj 1], [obj 2], etc.
objdsk [obj name] [filename] [arg 1] [arg 2] ...
Evaluates the macro language source or compiled code in [filename],
with the object [obj name] as the default object. [arg 1], [arg 2],
etc. are arguments passed to the macro code in [filename]. This
function returns the value of the last sentence evaluated in
Object Functions 36
qobj [obj name].
Returns 1 if the object [obj name] exists, otherwise it returns
qobjsiz [obj name].
Returns the number of functions and variables in the object [obj
Returns the name of the currently executing or "default" object.
Returns the name of the current "event" object.
qobjanc [obj name] [obj 2].
Returns 1 if the object [obj name] has the object [obj 2] as an
ancestor object in its inheritance path, or if [obj name] equals
[obj 2], otherwise it returns null.
3-12 Disk Functions
Disk functions are used to manipulate files on disk, and to return
path and drive information. Disk function names use the prefix "dsk".
dskdel [filename] [options].
Deletes the file [filename] and returns 1 if success, or null if
failure. Empty directories can also be deleted if option "d" is
dskren [filename] [new filename].
Renames the file [filename] to [new filename]. Returns 1 if success,
or null if failure.
dskloc [filename] [path].
Searches the path string [path] for the file [filename]. [path] can
be a sequence of paths separated by semicolons (;) (as in the DOS
"PATH" environment string). This function returns the fully
qualified filename if found, otherwise it returns null.
Disk Functions 37
dskfin [filename] [string] [options].
Searches for the string [string] in the file [filename]. The
following search [options] can be specified:
i - case insensitive search
w - search for "whole words" only
This function returns the position in the file where the string was
found ("1" is the first position), or null if not found. If the
search was interrupted via <Ctrl-Break>, this function returns -1.
dskcpy [source filename] [dest filename] [options].
Copies the file [source filename] to [dest filename]. The following
[options] may be specified:
a - append the source file to the destination file
k - the destination file will keep the source file date/time
This function returns non-zero if successful, otherwise it returns
dskcur [path] [options].
Sets the current drive or the current path for the specified drive.
The following [options] can be specified:
d - set the current drive
p - set the current path
For example:
dskcur "d:" %d. // set current drive to "d:"
dskcur "c:\xyz" %p. // set current directory for "c:" to "xyz"
dskcur "c:\xyz" %dp. // set current drive and directory
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
dskdir [path].
Creates the new directory specified by [path]. All elements of the
path must exist (except the last element). Returns 1 if success or
null if failure.
Disk Functions 38
dsktch [filename].
"Touches" the file [filename] by setting the file's date and time to
the current date and time. Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
dskatt [filename] [attributes].
Changes the attributes of the file [filename] to [attributes]. The
attributes of a directory can also be changed. [attributes] may be
any combination of the following:
r - read only
h - hidden
s - system
a - archive
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
dskopn [filename] [options].
Opens the file [filename] for reading and writing, and returns a
"file handle" for use by the "dskrea", "dskwri", "dskpos", and
"dskcls" functions (see below). The "current position" in the open
file is at the first character in the file. The following [options]
can be specified:
c - create a new file or truncate the file if it already exists
r - open the file for reading only
w - open the file for reading and writing
This function returns null if failure.
dskcls [file handle].
Closes the file opened by the "dskopn" function above.
dskrea [file handle] [length].
Reads data from the current position in the open file specified by
[file handle]. [length] specifies the number of characters to read,
and may not exceed 16000. The current position in the file is
advanced by the amount of characters actually read.
Disk Functions 39
This function returns a string composed of the data read from the
file, or null if failure. The amount of characters actually read
from the file can be determined by using the "siz" function with the
return string.
dskwri [file handle] [string] [options].
Writes the string [string] at the current position in the open file
specified by [file handle]. The current position in the file is
advanced by the amount of characters actually written. If [option]
"k" is specified, the file's date and time are not modified.
This function returns the amount of characters written, or null if
dskpos [file handle] [offset] [options].
Changes the current position in the open file specified by [file
handle]. The new position depends on the value of [offset] and
[options]. The following [options] may be specified:
a - [offset] specifies an absolute position in the file ("1" is
the first position).
c - [offset] specifies an offset from the current position.
e - [offset] specifies an offset from the end of the file.
If no [options] are specified, then "a" is assumed. This function
returns the new absolute position in the file ("1" is the first
qdskatt [filename] [attributes]
Tests whether or not [filename] has the specified attributes. Any
combination of the following [attributes] can be specified:
a - archive
d - directory
h - hidden
r - read only
s - system
v - volume
This function returns a non-null value if the specified attributes
are present, or null if none are present.
Disk Functions 40
qdskpat [options].
Returns the fully qualified boot path or the current path. The
following [options] may be specified:
b - return the boot path where the interpreter was invoked
c - return the current path
If no options are specified, the default is "c".
qdskdrv [options].
Returns a string consisting of all available disk drive letters.
The following [options] may be specified:
t - include network information. "1" after the drive letter
indicates a local drive, "2" indicates a network drive.
For example, for a computer system with 3 logical hard drives, 2
floppies, and network drives F and G:
qdskdrv. // returns "ABCDEFG"
qdskdrv %t. // returns "A1B1C1D1E1F2G2"
qdskcap [drive] [options].
Returns the total or free amount of disk space available on disk
drive [drive], in bytes. The following options may be specified.
c - return the total capacity of the drive
f - return the free space on the drive
If no drive is specified, the current drive is assumed. If no
options are specified, the default is "c".
System Functions 41
3-13 System Functions
System functions are used to control and provide information about the
interpreter's operating environment. There are functions to control
the interpreter's use of memory and printer devices, and functions to
return information such as environment strings and version numbers.
System function names use the prefix "sys".
sysmem [options] [limit].
Allows the use of XMS or EMS memory. [limit] is the maximum amount
of XMS or EMS to use, in k (a value 0 or -1 indicates that the
maximum available amount should be used). One of the following
[options] may be specified:
e - use EMS memory
x - use XMS memory
To use both XMS and EMS memory, this function must be called twice.
Note that an XMS or EMS driver must be installed before this
function can be called successfully. This function returns a
non-zero value if success, otherwise it returns null.
sysswp [swap file 1] [swap file 2] [swap file 3].
Sets the swap files names for the interpreter to use in low memory
situations. The interpreter will use [swap file 2] only when there
is no more room on the drive containing [swap file 1], and [swap
file 3] only when there is no more room on the drive containing
[swap file 2]. All swap files should be on different drives. Returns
non-zero if success or null if failure.
EMS and XMS memory (if available) will be used before the swap
sysprt [id] [options] [page size] [left margin] [top margin]
[right margin] [bottom margin] [line spacing] [copies].
Sets the current printer settings. The following printer settings
can be specified:
- [id]
not used (reserved for future use).
System Functions 42
- [page size]
Specifies the "Lines per Page" of printed output. This includes
the [top margin] and [bottom margin]. After the specified lines
per page have been printed, a formfeed character (ascii 12) will
be sent to the printer and a new page will be started.
If PrtPag is zero, printing will be continuous (no formfeed
characters will be sent to the printer). [top margin], [bottom
margin], and the "page number" option will be ignored.
- [line spacing]
Specifies the number of lines to advance after printing each line
of output. A value of 1 generates single-spaced output, 2
generates double-spaced output, and so on.
- [copies]
Specifies the number of copies to print.
- [top margin]
Specifies the number of blank lines to precede the printed output
at the top of each page. This value is included in [page size].
[top margin] is ignored if [page size] is set to zero.
- [bottom margin]
Specifies the number of blank lines to follow the printed output
at the bottom of each page. This value is included in [page size].
[bottom margin] is ignored if [page size] is set to zero.
- [left margin]
Specifies the number of blank columns to precede the printed
output on each line.
- [right margin]
Specifies the column position at which to truncate each printed
line. This column position is relative to column zero of the
printed output, NOT the file being printed. If zero is specified,
lines are not truncated.
- [options]
The following [options] can be specified:
System Functions 43
h - prints a "header" at the top of each page. The header is
specified in the "mrksav" function when printing. This option
is ignored if [page size] is zero.
f - prints a "footer" at the top of each page. The footer is
specified in the "mrksav" function when printing. This option
is ignored if [page size] is zero.
s - adds a separator line after the header line and before the
footer line.
p - prints a right-justified page number on the header and footer
lines. If neither a header or footer was specified, a blank
header line is assumed. This option is ignored if [page size]
is zero.
l - prints a line number at the beginning of each line.
e - sends a formfeed character to the printer when printing is
syssnd [0/1].
Enables (1) or disables (0) sound from the PC speaker.
Returns the current version of The Aurora Editor.
qsysos [options].
Returns the operating system name or the operating system version.
The following [options] may be specified:
v - return major OS version
m - return minor OS version
If no options are specified, the operation system name ("DOS") is
Returns the name of The Aurora Editor .EXE file that is currently
executing, without path information or the .EXE extension. For
qsyspgm. // returns "A" or "A3"
System Functions 44
qsysvar [var name].
Returns the environment string for the specified environment
variable [var name]. [var name] must be in upper case. For example:
qsysvar "PATH". // returns the DOS PATH string
This function returns null if the environment variable is not found.
3-14 Timer Functions
Timer functions are used to create and destroy system "timers". Timers
are used to automatically call user-defined functions at a specified
time and date, or at periodic intervals. The "qtim" function also
returns date and time information. Timer function names use the prefix
timint [timerid] [interval] [obj] [fun] [arg 1] [arg 2] ...
Sets an interval timer to call the function [fun] in the object
[obj] with arguments [arg 1], [arg 2], etc. The function is called
for every time interval (in milliseconds) specified by [interval].
If [obj] is null, then the current "event" object is used. The
[timerid] can be 0-9, and uniquely identifies the timer. Note that
the first call to [fun] will occur after the specified time
interval, not after the call. For example:
timint 3 1000 @ %timer3.
The example above sets timer 3 to call the function "timer3" every
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
timalm [timerid] [year(YYYY)] [month(MM)] [day(DD)]
[dayofweek (0-6)] [hour(HH)] [min(mm)] [sec(ss)]
[obj] [fun] [arg 1] [arg 2] ...
Sets an "alarm" timer to call the function [fun] in the object [obj]
with arguments [arg 1], [arg 2], etc. The function is called at the
specified time and date.
If [obj] is null, then the current "event" object is used. The
[timerid] can be 0-9, and uniquely identifies the timer.
"-1" may be specified as a "wildcard" for any of the date or time
parameters. For example:
Timer Functions 45
timalm 2 -1 3 -1 -1 11 0 0 @ "march".
The example above sets timer 2 to call the function "march" in the
current event object at 11 o'clock for every day in the month of
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
timdes [timerid].
Stops and destroys the timer [timerid]. This function destroys both
interval and alarm timers. Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
Returns the date and time as a character string of length 17, with
the following format:
YYYY - year
MM - month (1-12)
DD - day (1-31)
W - day of the week (0-6, 0=sunday)
hh - hour (0-23)
mm - minutes (0-59)
ss - seconds (0-59)
uu - hundredths of a second (0-99)
3-15 Keyboard Functions
Keyboard functions are used to control and return information about
the keyboard. Keyboard function names use the prefix "kbd".
kbdenh [0/1].
Turns checking for the enhanced keyboard ON (1) or OFF (0). "kbdenh
1" enables the enhanced keyboard keys if the enhanced keyboard is
detected. "kbdenh 0" disables the enhanced keyboard keys.
kbdrpt [report mode].
Determines how the interpreter calls keyboard event handler
Keyboard Functions 46
If [report mode] is "1" and a key is typed in, the interpreter
attempts to call the user function "key" in the current event object
with the following arguments:
key name - name of the key ("k_s_f1", "k_a_y", etc.)
key code - a 2 byte code identifying the key
key char - the character typed in (if not a function key)
If [report mode] is "2" and a key is typed in, the interpreter
attempts to call a user function in the current event object with
the same name as the "key name" argument above, with the following
key code - a 2 byte code identifying the key
key char - the character typed in (if not a function key)
The default keyboard reporting mode is "2". This function returns 1
if successful or null if failure.
Removes all keystrokes from the keyboard buffer.
qkbdshf [mask].
Returns the current shift key state of the keyboard "and-ed
bitwise" with the integer specified by [mask]. The following table
lists each bit position and its corresponding shift key:
01h - right shift key is down 10h - scroll lock is ON
02h - left shift key is down 20h - num lock is ON
04h - ctrl key is down 40h - caps lock is ON
08h - alt key is down 80h - insert state is ON
For example, the value of "qkbdshf 3" is non-zero if either shift
key is currently pressed down.
qkbdchr [options] [keycode].
This function waits for a key from the keyboard or translates
[keycode] if [keycode] is specified. The following options can be
n - returns the function name assigned to [keycode].
c - returns a keycode (no change if [keycode] is specified).
h - returns "1" if a key has been pressed, otherwise it returns
null. The key remains in the keyboard buffer.
Keyboard Functions 47
3-16 Mouse Functions
Mouse functions are used to control and return information about the
mouse. Mouse function names use the prefix "mou".
Initializes the mouse and returns the mouse driver version (or null
if failure). This function also displays the mouse pointer at the
center of the screen, and enables the interpreter event queue to
receive mouse events.
In order for this function to return successfully, a DOS mouse
driver (such as "mouse.com" or "mouse.sys") must be installed before
the interpreter is invoked.
Deactivates the mouse driver and removes the mouse pointer from the
screen. No more mouse events will be received by the interpreter
event queue. Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mousen [horz] [vert] [double speed].
Sets the mouse sensitivity by setting the horizontal mickey-to-pixel
[horz] and vertical mickey-to-pixel [vert] ratios, and by setting
the double speed threshold [double speed]. The default value of
these settings after calling "mouini" are:
Horz mickey-to-pixel ratio: 8
Vert mickey-to-pixel ratio: 16
Double speed threshold: 64
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mourpt [report mode].
Determines how the interpreter calls mouse event handler functions.
Keyboard Functions 48
If [report mode] is "1" and a mouse event is read from the event
queue, the interpreter attempts to call the user function "mouse" in
the current event object with the following arguments:
mouse event name - name of the mouse event ("m_l_down", etc.)
mouse x position - x position of mouse (virtual coordinates)
mouse y position - y position of mouse (virtual coordinates)
If [report mode] is "2" and a mouse event is read from the event
queue, the interpreter attempts to call a user function in the
current event object with the same name as the "mouse event name"
above, with the following arguments:
mouse x position - x position of mouse (virtual coordinates)
mouse y position - y position of mouse (virtual coordinates)
The default mouse reporting mode is "2". This function returns 1 if
successful or null if failure.
moupos [x position] [y position].
Sets the position of the mouse cursor on the physical screen (0,0 is
the upper left corner). Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mouvis [0/1].
Shows (1) or hides (0) the mouse cursor.
qmoupos [options].
Returns the current mouse position on the physical screen (0,0 is
the upper left corner). The following options may be specified:
x - return the x position of the mouse
y - return the y position of the mouse
If no options are specified, the default is "x".
3-17 Queue Functions
Queue functions are used to control and return information about the
interpreter event queue. Queue function names generally use the prefix
Queue Functions 49
que [fun] [arg 1] [arg 2] ...
Places the function [fun] and its arguments [arg 1], [arg 2],
etc. on the interpreter event queue. The next time the interpreter
is idle, it will read the event queue and attempt to call [fun] in
the current event object. Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
send [fun] [arg 1] [arg 2] ...
This function is similar to the "que" function above, except that
the interpreter event queue is bypassed. The function [fun] in the
current event object is called immediately. This function returns
the result of evaluating [fun].
queobj [obj] [fun] [arg 1] [arg 2] ...
This function works similar to the "que" function above, except that
the interpreter attempts to call the function [fun] in the object
[obj], not in the current event object.
sendobj [obj] [fun] [arg 1] [arg 2] ...
This function is similar to the "queobj" function above, except that
the interpreter event queue is bypassed. The function [fun] in the
object [obj] is called immediately. This function returns the result
of executing the function [fun].
This function reads the next event from the queue and "dispatches"
it by calling the user event handler function associated with the
event. If there is no event on the event queue, it will wait for an
event to appear in the queue. This function returns when the user
event handler function returns.
If the function "quequi" (see below) is called in the user event
handler, this function returns "0", otherwise it returns "1". This
feature can be used to implement a dispatch loop which is not
terminated until the "quequi" function is called. For example:
while (quedis).
The loop above will continue to dispatch events from the event queue
until a user function calls "quequi".
Queue Functions 50
Forces the "quedis" function (see above) to return null.
quesiz [size].
Sets the interpreter event queue size to [size] events. The default
size is 20 when the interpreter is invoked. Returns 1 if successful
or null if failure.
3-18 Video Functions
Video functions are used to control and return information about the
video device. Video function names use the prefix "vid".
vidcsz [start] [end].
Sets the physical cursor size on the screen. [start] and [end]
indicate the distance of the top and bottom of the cursor from the
top of the character cell, on a scale of 0 to 100. For example,
"vidcsz 0 100" sets the cursor size to the entire character cell.
Specifying -1 for both [start] and [end] hides the cursor.
vidbli [0/1].
Turns the video blink mode ON (1), or OFF (0). The video blink mode
determines whether or not color attributes above 127 blink on and
off. The video blink mode is OFF by default.
vidfon [columns] [rows] [back attr] [back fill] [options].
Changes the video mode and/or sets the background color attribute
and background fill string. You can do either operation separately
or together.
If [option] "c" is specified, the screen is captured and restored
when exiting the interpreter.
When changing the video mode, both [columns] and [rows] must be
non-zero. [columns] may be 40 or 80 and [rows] may be 12, 14, 21,
25, 28, 43, or 50. If [columns] or [rows] are zero or null, the
video mode is not changed.
Video Functions 51
To change the background attribute or fill string, specify the
background color attribute [back attr] and fill string [back fill].
If [back attr] is not specified, a value of 0 (black) is used. If
[back fill] is not specified, a blank (ascii 32) is used. If neither
are specified, the current background remains unchanged.
Note: the string [back fill] can be a maximum of 50 chars long.
This function returns 1 if successful or null if failure.
vidorg [x] [y] [options].
Changes the mapping of the physical video device (the screen) to the
virtual video device (the virtual screen is 64k x 64k characters).
[x] and [y] specify the left and top positions of the physical
device within the virtual device. The following [options] may be
r - [x] and [y] specify a mapping relative to the current mapping
a - [x] and [y] specify an absolute mapping. In this case, [x] and
[y] are referred to as "virtual coordinates".
For example, "vidorg 12000 17896 %a" maps the top left corner of the
screen to (12000, 17896) on the virtual screen.
If no [options] are specified, the default option is "r".
When the editor is invoked, the default mapping is (16000,16000).
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
vidpri [string] [x] [y] [attr] [options]
Prints the string [string] on the screen background at position [x],
[y] using the color attribute [attr]. The following [options] may be
a - [x] and [y] are in absolute virtual screen coordinates.
d - [x] and [y] are in physical device coordinates, with (0,0)
as the left and top.
If no [options] are specified, the default is "d". This function
returns 1 if successful or null if failure.
vidbor [attr].
Sets the screen overscan border color to [attr].
Video Functions 52
Turns off the video device. All screen updates are deferred until
the function "vidon" is called.
Turns on the video device.
Returns 1 if the video device is in monochrome mode, otherwise it
returns null.
qvidp [options].
Returns the video parameter specified in [options]. One of the
following [options] may be specified:
l - returns the left virtual coordinate of the physical screen
t - returns the top virtual coordinate of the physical screen
r - returns the right virtual coordinate of the physical screen
b - returns the bottom virtual coordinate of the physical screen
x - returns the width of the screen
y - returns the height of the screen
k - returns the video blink mode (0=off, 1=on)
Text Buffer Functions 53
3-19 Text Buffer Functions
Text buffer functions are used to control and return information about
text buffers. A text buffer is a group of one or more lines of text
and is used for editing files. There are many functions for creating,
modifying, and destroying text buffers. Text buffer function names
generally use the prefix "tex".
Any number of text buffers can be created. Text buffers are organized
into a global "text buffer list". The "default" text buffer is always
at the top of the list.
Text buffers are identified by a "text buffer name". Specifying a null
text buffer name for any of the text buffer functions indicates that
the "default" text buffer should be used.
Note that changes made to a text buffer with these functions are not
automatically displayed in any windows which might be associated with
the text buffer. You must use the "windra" or "texdra" functions to
update the window (see "Window Functions").
texcre [text buffer] [line 1] [line 2] ...
Creates a new text buffer with the name [text buffer]. The new text
buffer becomes the default text buffer. The arguments [line 1],
[line 2], etc are the initial lines to be placed in the text buffer.
If no initial lines are specified, the text buffer is created with
one blank line.
Returns 1 if successful or 0 if failure.
texmen [text buffer] [line 1] [line 2] ...
Creates a new menu text buffer with the name [text buffer]. The new
text buffer becomes the default text buffer. The arguments [line 1],
[line 2], etc are the initial lines to place on the menu (see the
section "Defining Menus" in The Aurora Editor Users Guide).
Returns 1 if successful or 0 if failure.
texdes [text buffer].
Destroys [text buffer] and all marks and windows associated with
[text buffer]. The previous text buffer becomes the default text
buffer. Returns 1 if successful or 0 if failure.
Text Buffer Functions 54
texloa [text buffer] [filename] [options] [line number]
[delimiter] [trunc length].
Creates a new text buffer from the file [filename], or inserts the
file [filename] into an existing text buffer. If [filename] contains
wildcards or specifies a directory, then a directory listing is
loaded. The "qtexdir" function can be used to return information
about the directory listing.
If [text buffer] does not exist, then a new text buffer with the
name [text buffer] is created, and the file [filename] is loaded
into it. The new text buffer becomes the default text buffer.
If [text buffer] is an existing text buffer, then the file
[filename] is inserted into [text buffer] after the line [line
number]. If [line number] is 0 then it is inserted before the first
line. If [line number] is -1 then it is inserted after the last
The following [options] may be specified:
b - the [delimiter] argument specifies a 1-byte line delimiter
w - the [delimiter] argument specifies a 2-byte line delimiter
h - include hidden files when loading a directory listing
d - include subdirectories when loading a directory listing
k - convert file sizes to 1K increments when loading a directory
a - ignore the argument [filename] and load an internal ascii
If options "b" or "w" are specified then [delimiter] specifies a
byte or word line delimiter used to define the end of each line
when loading the file.
If options "b" or "w" are not specified and [delimiter] is zero,
then the line delimiter defaults to "0D0Ah" (carriage return -
If options "b" or "w" are not specified and [delimiter] is greater
than zero, then [delimiter] specifies the binary line length, and
the file is loaded in "binary mode".
[trunc length] specifies the maximum line length that can be loaded
before wrapping to the next line. The maximum line length can not
exceed 16000. If [trunclength] is zero or not specified, then a
maximum line length of 16000 is assumed.
This function returns 1 if a file was loaded, 2 if a directory
listing was loaded, or null if failure.
Text Buffer Functions 55
texnam [text buffer] [new text buffer].
Renames the text buffer [text buffer] to [new text buffer]. Returns
1 if success or null if failure.
texdra [text buffer] [line number].
Draws the client area of all windows which currently display the
text buffer [text buffer].
If [line number] is specified, only the specified line number is
drawn (this is faster than drawing all lines of the text buffer). If
[line number] is -1, the line drawn is the line at the default
cursor mark for the text buffer.
Returns 1 if successful or 0 if failure.
textop [text buffer].
Makes the text buffer [text buffer] the default text buffer by
moving it to the top of the text buffer list. The default text
buffer can be easily referenced in any text buffer function by
specifying "null" for the [text buffer] argument.
texdty [text buffer] [options].
Sets or clears the dirty flag for the text buffer [text buffer]. The
dirty flag is set automatically by any function which modifies the
text buffer, and can be retrieved with the "qtexdty" function (see
below). The following options can be specified:
c - clear the dirty flag
s - set the dirty flag
If no options are specified, the default is "s".
texdlm [text buffer] [delimiter] [options].
Sets the default byte or word line delimiter associated with the
text buffer [text buffer]. The following options can be specified:
b - [delimiter] is a 1-byte delimiter.
w - [delimiter] is a 2-byte delimiter.
If no [options] are specified and [delimiter] is non-zero, then
[text buffer] will have no delimiter.
Text Buffer Functions 56
texusz [text buffer] [size].
Sets the size of the undo/redo stack associated with the text buffer
[text buffer]. The default size is zero.
texovl [text buffer] [x] [y] [string].
Overlays the string [string] at column [x], line [y] of the text
buffer [text buffer]. If [x] or [y] are null, then the column and
line of the default cursor mark are assumed. Returns 1 if success or
null if failure.
texinsx [text buffer] [x] [y] [string].
Inserts the string [string] horizontally at column [x], line [y] of
the text buffer [text buffer]. If [x] or [y] are null, then the
column and line of the default cursor mark are assumed. Returns 1 if
success or null if failure.
texinsy [text buffer] [x] [y] [string] [reps].
Inserts the string [string] vertically at column [x] after line [y]
of the text buffer [text buffer]. If [x] or [y] are null, then the
column and line of the default cursor mark are assumed. [reps]
indicates the number of lines to be inserted (if 0 or null is
specified, one line is inserted). Returns 1 if success or null
if failure.
texdelx [text buffer] [x] [y] [length].
Deletes the 1-line text segment of length [length] at column [x],
line [y] of the text buffer [text buffer]. If [x] or [y] are null,
then the column and line of the default cursor mark are assumed.
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
texdely [text buffer] [y] [reps].
Deletes [reps] number of lines starting with line [y] in the text
buffer [text buffer]. If [reps] is null or zero, then one line is
deleted. If [y] is null then the line number of the default cursor
mark is assumed. Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
Text Buffer Functions 57
qtex [text buffer].
Returns 1 if the text buffer [text buffer] exists, or null if it
does not exist.
qtexlin [text buffer] [line number] [a] [b].
Returns a copy of the line [line number] from column [a] through
column [b] in the text buffer [text buffer]. If [line number] is
null or zero, then the line number of the default cursor mark is
assumed. If [a] is null or zero, then "1" is used for [a]. If [b] is
null or zero, then the line length used for [b]. This function
returns null if failure.
qtexend [text buffer].
Returns the number of lines in the text buffer [text buffer].
qtexpre [text buffer].
Returns the previous text buffer before [text buffer] in the text
buffer list. Returns null if [text buffer] is the last text buffer
in the list.
qtexdty [text buffer].
Returns 1 if the text buffer [text buffer] has been modified, or
null if it has not been modified.
qtextru [text buffer].
Returns 1 if the text buffer [text buffer] has been truncated during
execution of the function "texloa". This can occur by interrupting
"texloa" with <Ctrl-Break>, or when the system is out of space. This
function returns null if [text buffer] has not been truncated.
qtexbeg [text buffer] [line number].
Returns the column position of the first non-blank character of line
[line number] in the text buffer [text buffer]. If [line number] is
zero or null, the line number of the default cursor mark is assumed.
Text Buffer Functions 58
qtexlen [text buffer] [line number].
Returns the length of line [line number] in the text buffer [text
buffer]. If [line number] is zero or null, the line number of the
default cursor mark is assumed.
qtexfld [text buffer] [line number] [rel] [options].
If [rel] is not specified, this function returns the number of lines
in the text fold beginning or ending at the line [line number].
If [rel] is specified, the value of [rel] may be a positive or
negative integer. The following [options] may also be specified:
a - returns the line number that is the "apparent" distance of
[rel] lines away from [line number]. The "apparent" distance
is the visible distance on the screen (text folds count as one
v - returns the "apparent" line number that is the actual distance
of [rel] lines away from [line number].
r - this option can be specified with options "a" or "v". It
indicates the relative distance away from [line number] is to
be returned, not a line number.
If no [options] are specified, the default is "a".
If [line number] is zero or null, the line number of the default
cursor mark is assumed.
Returns the default text buffer at the "top" of the text buffer
qtexmrk [text buffer] [options].
Returns the default mark or cursor mark at the "top" of the mark
list associated with the text buffer [text buffer]. The following
[options] may be specified:
c - returns the first cursor mark on the mark list
m - returns the first non-cursor mark on the mark list
If no options are specified, then the first mark on the mark list is
returned (cursor mark or non-cursor mark).
Text Buffer Functions 59
Note: if there are any cursor marks associated with the text buffer,
the interpreter always places them "ahead" of non-cursor marks on
the mark list, so that calling this function with no [options] will
always return a cursor mark.
qtexbin [text buffer].
Returns the binary line length associated with the text buffer [text
buffer]. If [text buffer] was not loaded in "binary mode", then this
function returns null.
qtexmen [text buffer] [line number] [options].
Returns information about the menu text buffer [text buffer] created
with the "texmen" function. If [line number] is null or zero, the
line number of the default cursor mark is assumed. The following
[options] may be specified:
c - return the position of the highlight character at [line
w - return the menu width
n - return the menu item description at [line number]
f - return the macro code for the menu item at [line number]
y - return last cursor position on the menu text buffer
(see also "Defining Menus" in The Aurora Editor Users Guide).
qtexdir [options].
Returns information about the most recently loaded directory listing
loaded with the "texloa" function. The following options may be
d - return the number of subdirectories in the directory listing
f - return the number of files in the directory listing
s - return the sum of all the file sizes in the directory listing
Marks the beginning of a series of "tex" and "mrk" function calls
which are considered to be one "undoable/redoable" operation. The
current cursor mark position, and window size and position (if
applicable) will be saved with the "undoable" operation.
Text Buffer Functions 60
The "undend" function (see below) marks the end of the "undoable"
series of function calls.
Marks the end of a series of "tex" and "mrk" function calls started
by the "undbeg" function (see above) which are to be considered as
one "undoable" operation. All of the information required to "undo"
the function calls between "undbeg" and "undend" is pushed onto an
internal undo/redo stack.
und [text buffer] [options].
Restores the most recent changes made to the text buffer [text
buffer] that were recorded with the "undbeg" and "undend" functions
(see above). The following options may be specified:
u - restores the most recent modification to the text buffer
r - reverses the effects of the last "und %u" function call
If no [options] are specified, the default is "u". This function
returns 1 if success or null if failure.
Mark Functions 61
3-20 Mark Functions
Mark functions are used to control and return information about
"marks". A mark defines an area of text within a specific text buffer,
or specifies a "cursor" position in a text buffer. There are many
functions for creating, modifying, and destroying marks. Mark function
names use the prefix "mrk".
Any number of marks can be associated with a text buffer. Marks are
organized into a "mark list" attached to the text buffer. The
"default" mark is at the top of the list.
Marks are identified by a "mark name". Specifying a null mark name for
any of the mark functions indicates that the default mark should be
Using the mark functions, operations on text buffers can be restricted
to the areas of text defined by the marks. "Cursor marks" are a
special type of mark used to specify movable cursor positions within a
text buffer. A Window can be attached to a text buffer via cursor
marks (see "Window Functions").
Note that changes made to a text buffer with these functions are not
automatically displayed in any windows associated with the text
buffer. You must use the "windra" or "texdra" functions to update the
window (see "Text Buffer Functions" and "Window Functions").
mrkset [mark] [options] [text buffer] [l] [t] [r] [b]
[s] [e].
Creates a new mark with the name [mark] for the text buffer [text
buffer], or modifies the mark if it already exists. If a new
"cursor" mark is created, it becomes the default mark for the text
buffer. Cursor marks are always placed ahead of non-cursor marks on
text buffer's mark list.
[l], [t], [r], [b] are the left, top, right, and bottom coordinates
of the mark, relative to the top-left corner of the text buffer. [s]
and [e] are the start and end positions on the first and last lines
of the mark. [s] and [e] are currently used only by the "mrkfin"
If [l] or [t] are null or zero, then the column and line of the
default cursor mark in the text buffer are used. If [r] or [b] are
null or zero, then [l] and [t] are used. If [s] or [e] are null or
zero, then the left and right boundaries of the resulting mark are
Mark Functions 62
The following [options] can be specified:
c - the mark is a "cursor" mark, used to mark a movable position
in a text buffer. The cursor mark becomes the default mark for
the text buffer
i - places the mark in "insert" mode if it is a cursor mark. If
this option is not specified, the cursor mark is placed in
"overlay" mode.
r - the mark is a rectangular or "column" mark. If this option is
not specified, the mark is a "line" mark.
h - the mark is "hidden"
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mrkdes [mark].
Destroys the mark [mark]. If [mark] was the default mark, then the
previous mark in the mark list becomes the default mark. Returns 1
if success or null if failure.
mrknam [mark] [new mark].
Renames the mark [mark] to [new mark]. Returns 1 if success or null
if failure.
mrktop [mark].
Makes the cursor mark [mark] the default mark by moving it to the
top of the mark list. A non-cursor mark can only be made the default
mark if no cursor mark exists for the text buffer.
mrkcol [mark] [attr].
Changes the display color for the mark [mark] to [attr]. If this
function is not called, then the mark color is determined by the
"wincol" function (see "Window Functions"). This call allows marks
to have different colors. Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mrkdel [mark].
Deletes the text inside the mark [mark], and the mark itself. For
"line" marks, this function deletes all lines in the mark. For
rectangular or "column" marks, this function deletes all columns in
the mark and shifts all columns to the right into the vacated area.
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
Mark Functions 63
mrkins [mark] [text buffer] [x] [y].
Copies the text inside the mark [mark] to column [x] line [y] in the
text buffer [text buffer].
If [text buffer] is not specified, then the text buffer associated
with [mark] is assumed. If [x] or [y] is not specified, then the
column and line of the default cursor mark for the text buffer are
For "line" marks, the new text is inserted vertically into [text
buffer] after line [y]. For rectangular or "column" marks the new
text is inserted horizontally into [text buffer] at column [x], line
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mrkmov [mark] [text buffer] [x] [y].
Moves the text inside the mark [mark] to column [x] line [y] in the
text buffer [text buffer]. The mark itself is moved along with the
If [text buffer] is not specified, then the text buffer associated
with [mark] is assumed. If [x] or [y] is not specified, then the
column and line of the default cursor mark for the text buffer are
For "line" marks, the text is moved vertically into [text buffer]
after line [y]. For rectangular or "column" marks the text is moved
horizontally into [text buffer] at column [x], line [y].
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mrkovl [mark] [text buffer] [x] [y].
Overlays the text inside the mark [mark] at column [x] line [y] in
the text buffer [text buffer].
If [text buffer] is not specified, then the text buffer associated
with [mark] is assumed. If [x] or [y] is not specified, then the
column and line of the default cursor mark for the text buffer are
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
Mark Functions 64
mrkshf [mark] [shift] [fill character].
Shifts the text in the mark [mark] left or right by [shift] columns
and fills the vacated columns with [fill character]. If the value of
[shift] is negative, then the text is shifted left, otherwise the
text is shifted right. If [fill character] is null then blanks are
used. Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mrkfil [mark] [fillchar] [a] [b].
Fills the text within the mark [mark] with the character [fill
character]. If the mark is a "line" mark, then [a] and [b] are used
as the left and right columns for the fill. [a] and [b] are ignored
for "column" marks.
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mrkcas [mark] [options] [a] [b].
Changes the case of the text within the mark [mark]. If the mark is
a "line" mark, then [a] and [b] are used as the left and right
columns for the case change. [a] and [b] are ignored for "column"
marks. The following [options] can be specified:
l - change the text to lower case
u - change the text to upper case
Specifying both options "l" and "u" will toggle the case of each
character in the text. If no [options] are specified, the default is
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mrkjus [mark] [options] [a] [b].
Right justifies, centers, or left justifies the text within the mark
[mark]. If the mark is a "line" mark, then [a] and [b] are used as
the left and right columns for the justification. [a] and [b] are
ignored for "column" marks. The following [options] can be
l - left justifies the text in the mark
c - centers the text in the mark
r - right justifies the text in the mark
If no [options] are specified, the default is "l". This function
returns 1 if success or null if failure.
Mark Functions 65
mrksrt [mark] [options].
Sorts the lines in the mark [mark]. All portions of each line are
included in the sort, even if the mark is a "column" mark. The
portion of each line within the mark is the sort key. The following
options may be specified:
a - ascending sort
d - descending sort
i - ignore case when sorting
If no [options] are specified, then the default is "a". This
function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mrktab [mark] [tab width].
Expands any tab characters (ascii 9) in the mark [mark]. If the mark
is a "column" mark, the left and right edges the mark are ignored.
[tab width] determines how much each tab character is expanded. [tab
width] may be 2, 4 or 8.
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mrkrfl [mark] [text buffer] [l] [t] [r] [options] [indent].
Reflows the lines in the mark [mark]. All the text within each line
is reflowed, even if the mark is a "column" mark. The reflowed text
is inserted into the text buffer [text buffer] after line [t]. The
original text within the mark remains unchanged. The reflowed text
is formatted to fit between columns [l] and [r] in [text buffer].
[indent] specifies the number of columns to indent the first line of
the reflowed text.
If [text buffer] has been loaded in "binary mode", it cannot be
If [text buffer] is not specified, then the text buffer of the
default cursor mark is assumed. If [l], [t], or [r] are not
specified, then the column and line of the default cursor mark are
The following [options] may be specified:
b - blank lines are preserved.
r - justifies the reflowed text on both the left and right
This function returns the number of lines inserted in [text buffer],
or null if failure.
Mark Functions 66
mrksav [mark] [filename] [options] [delimiter] [header] [prtini].
Saves the text within mark [mark] to the file [filename]. Specifying
a filename such as PRN, LPT1, LPT2, etc. prints the text within the
mark. The following [options] may be specified:
a - the text is appended to [filename]
b - the argument [delimiter] specifies a byte delimiter to be
saved after each line.
w - the argument [delimiter] specifies a word delimiter to be
saved after each line.
f - each line is saved without a delimiter.
p - specifies that the saved file is to be formatted for printing
using the print settings specified with the "sysprt" function,
called before this function.
i - specifies that only the string [prtini] is to be saved. The
text within the mark is ignored. This can be used to send an
initialization string to the printer.
z - saves an end-of-file (ascii 26) character at the end of
[filename]. If option "p" is specified, then a formfeed
character (ascii 12) is sent to the printer when printing is
If [delimiter] is not specified, the delimiter associated with the
mark's text buffer is used (text buffers loaded in binary mode have
no delimiter).
When option "p" is specified, the argument [header] can be used to
print a header and/or footer string. The "sysprt" function must be
called before this function and must specify the header or footer
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mrkfin [mark] [search string] [replace string] [options]
[cursor mark].
Searches the text within the mark [mark] for [search string]. If
[replace string] is specified, then [search string] is replaced with
[replace string]. If the cursor mark [cursor mark] is specified and
the search string is found, then the cursor mark is moved to the
location where the search string was found.
The following [options] may be specified:
i - ignore case during the search
r - search in "reverse" from the bottom to the top of the mark
Mark Functions 67
a - replace all occurrences of [search string] with [replace
w - search for "whole words" only
x - search for the first character which also occurs in the search
y - search for the first character which does not occur in the
search string
z - force replace, even if the replace string is null
If [replace string] or option "z" was specified, the number of
replacements is returned, otherwise the column where the search
string was found is returned. If nothing was found then null is
mrkrel [mark] [x] [y] [options] [text buffer].
Relocates the mark [mark] to a new location in the text buffer [text
buffer]. If no text buffer is specified, then the text buffer
associated with [mark] is assumed. The following [options] may be
a - [x] and [y] specify an absolute column and line position in
the text buffer
r - [x] and [y] specify a relative offset from the current left
and top coordinates of [mark].
If no [options] are specified, then "r" is assumed. This function
returns 1 if success or null if failure.
mrkfld [mark] [options].
Folds or unfolds the lines of text contained within the mark [mark].
The following [options] may be specified:
f - creates a new text fold containing all lines within the mark.
u - removes text folds contained within the mark. If option "a" is
not specified, only "top-level" text folds are removed.
a - removes all text folds contained within the mark when
specified with the option "u".
If options "u" and "f" are both specified, existing text folds are
removed before the new text fold is created.
If no [options] are specified, then "f" is assumed. This function
returns 1 if success or null if failure.
Mark Functions 68
qmrk [mark].
Returns 1 if the mark [mark] exists, or null if it does not exist.
qmrkpre [mark] [options].
Returns a previous mark before [mark] in the mark list. The
following [options] may be specified:
c - return the previous cursor mark before [mark]
m - return the previous non-cursor mark before [mark]
If no [options] are specified, then the previous mark (cursor or
non-cursor) is returned. This function returns null if no previous
mark is found.
qmrktex [mark].
Returns the text buffer in which the mark [mark] is located.
qmrkp [mark] [options].
Returns a coordinate of the mark [mark], or the width or height of
the mark [mark]. The following [options] may be specified:
l - returns the left-most column of the mark
t - returns the top line number of the mark
r - returns the right-most column of the mark
b - returns the bottom line number of the mark
x - returns the width of the mark
y - returns the height of the mark
qmrkcol [mark].
Returns the column position of the cursor mark [mark].
qmrklin [mark].
Returns the line number of the cursor mark [mark].
Mark Functions 69
qmrkins [mark].
Returns the "insert mode" of the cursor mark [mark]. Returns "i" if
the cursor mark is in insert mode, or "o" if the cursor mark is in
overlay mode.
qmrktyp [mark].
Returns "l" if [mark] is a "line" mark, or "r" if [mark] is a
rectangular or "column" mark.
qmrkbuf [mark].
Returns a string composed of the text within the "column" mark
[mark]. This function is ignored for "line" marks.
This function will return null if the area of the column mark
exceeds 16000.
qmrkwin [mark].
Returns the window name associated with the cursor mark [mark].
Window Functions 70
3-21 Window Functions
Window functions are used to control and return information about
windows. A window is a rectangular area of the screen which can used
to display text buffers and marks, or to display other "child"
windows. Window function names use the prefix "win".
Any number of windows can be created. Windows are organized into a
global "window list". The "default" window is at the top of the list.
Windows are identified by a "window name". Specifying a null window
name for any of the window functions indicates that the default window
should be used.
To display a text buffer in a window, the window must be attached to a
cursor mark associated with the text buffer. Since a text buffer may
have any number of cursor marks, any number of windows can used to
display different areas of the same text buffer.
Note that most window functions will not actually update windows on
the screen, unless the function description explicitly specifies that
they do. In this case, you must use the "windra" or "texdra" functions
to update the window (see also "Text Buffer Functions").
winset [window] [options].
Creates a new window with the name [window], or hides/shows an
existing window. The following [options] may be specified:
h - hide the window
d - show the window
Windows can be created as "hidden". For example:
winset "abc" %h. // creates the hidden window "abc"
If no [options] are specified, the default is "d". This function
returns 1 if success of null if failure.
windes [window].
Destroys the window [window] and removes it from the screen. Returns
1 if success or null if failure.
Window Functions 71
winnam [window] [new window].
Renames the window [window] to [new window]. Returns 1 if success or
null if failure.
winttl [window] [title] [options] [title id].
Sets a window title to the string [title] for the window [window].
Each window can have up to 5 titles. The argument [title id]
specifies which title is being set. [title id] can be 1 - 5 (if the
title id is zero, null, or not specified, then "1" is assumed). Any
combination of the following [options] can be specified:
n - sets the title on north title bar.
s - sets the title on south title bar.
e - sets the title on east title bar.
w - sets the title on west title bar.
l - the title is left-justified in the title bar.
c - the title is centered in the title bar.
r - the title is right-justified in the title bar.
d - draws the window title bar containing the title immediately
after setting the title. "windra" is not needed.
x - sets the title to the "default status line". The default
status line has the following format:
The status line displays information about the text buffer
associated with the window (if any). [HH] is the hex value of
the character at the cursor, XXXXX and YYYYY are the column
and line positions of the cursor mark, and TTTTT is the total
number of lines in the text buffer.
h - checks for the highlight character "&". Specifying "&" before
a character in the title indicates that it is to be
highlighted when displayed. The "&" character itself is not
1 - the title is not padded with any spaces (left or right).
Normally the title is padded with one space if it is left of
right justified.
z - hides the title. This can be used to specify a title for the
end-of-text line (see the "wineot" function).
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
Window Functions 72
wineot [window] [title id].
Sets the "end-of-text" line for the window [window] to the window
title [title id] which was previously set with the "winttl" function
(see above). The title should be hidden with option "z" when calling
the winttl function.
If [title id] is -1, then the following default end-of-text line is
used: "≡≡≡≡≡≡ End of Text ≡≡≡≡≡≡".
winmen [window] [menu bar id] [item 1] [item 2] ...
Defines a menu bar for the window [window]. Up to five menu bars can
be defined for one window. [item 1], [item 2], etc. are the items to
be placed on the menu bar. [menu bar id] specifies which of the five
menu bars is being defined, and can be any of the following values:
0 - the primary menu bar at the top of the window, under the
north title bar (if any)
1 - menu bar 1 underneath the primary menu bar
2 - menu bar 2 underneath menu bar 1
3 - menu bar 3 at the bottom of the window, above the south
title bar (if any)
4 - vertical menu bar 4 at the left edge of the client area
Each menu bar item may contain one ampersand character (&) which is
not displayed, but indicates that the character following it is to
be highlighted when displayed.
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
winmeh [window] [menu bar id] [item number].
Highlights or un-highlights the menu bar item [item number] on
menu bar [menu bar id] on the window [window]. There can only be one
highlighted item per menu bar. [item number] is the relative
position of the menu bar item from the beginning of the menu bar (1
for first item, 2 for the second, and so on).
If [item number] is null or zero, then the highlight is removed from
any currently highlighted item in the menu bar.
This function returns the offset (in character positions) of the
specified menu item from the beginning of the menu bar, or null if
Window Functions 73
wintic [window] [char] [attr] [char] [attr] ...
Defines one-character title bar icon controls for the window
[window]. [char] specifies the character to be displayed for each
control and [attr] specifies the color attribute of each control. If
[attr] is null, then the default window control color is used.
Controls are normally left-justified on the title bar. If any
control is preceded by an (@) character, then that control and any
controls following it will be right justified on the title bar. For
wintic @ "≡" @ "@" @ "".
In the example above, title bar controls are defined for the default
window using the default control colors. The control "≡" is left
justified, while the controls "" and "" are right justified.
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
windra [window] [options] [line number].
Draws the window components specified by [options]. [line number] is
ignored for all options except the "l" and "a" options. Any
combination of the following [options] may be specified:
b - draws the window border
p - draws the primary menu bar only
m - draws all window menu bars
w - draws the west title bar
n - draws the north title bar
e - draws the east title bar
s - draws the south title bar
h - draws the horizontal scroll bar
v - draws the vertical scroll bar
l - draws the line [line number] in the window. If this option is
specified and [line number] is null or zero, then the line
number of the default cursor mark is assumed.
t - draws the client area of the window
a - draws the client area of all windows with the same text buffer
as [window]. If [line number] is specified, then only
the specified line is drawn.
c - draws the cursor
u - draws the cursor and updates the client area if needed
f - draws the frame (every part of the window except the client
Window Functions 74
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure. If option "c"
is specified, and the client area needs updating, then 2 is
winmrk [window] [mark].
Associates the cursor mark [mark] with the window [window]. Only one
cursor mark may be associated with a window at one time. The window
will display the text buffer associated with the cursor mark.
Windows that are not associated with a text buffer (such as message
boxes or dialog box windows) do not need to use this call. This
function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
winpar [parent] [child].
Makes the window [parent] the "parent" window of the window [child].
winnex [window 1] [window 2].
Changes the order of the windows on the screen by placing [window 2]
on top of [window 1].
winpre [window 1] [window 2].
Changes the order of the windows on the screen by placing [window 1]
on top of [window 2].
winvib [window].
Creates a local video buffer for the window [window]. This is only
needed for windows that have child windows (such as dialog boxes).
Creating a local video buffer for the parent window will eliminate
screen flicker when moving the window. Returns 1 if success or null
if failure.
wincol [window] [element] [attr] [element] [attr] ...
Sets the colors of specific window elements for the window [window].
[element] is a one character code specifying a part of the window,
and can be one of the following:
Window Functions 75
b - border
e - border corner
0 - north title bar
1 - south title bar
c - window title bar controls (default color)
m - menus
i - menu character highlight
x - menu bar item highlight
d - menu disable
s - scroll bars
z - end-of-text line
t - text or client area
h - mark (default color)
f - text folds
[attr] is the color attribute (0-255). Using negative values from -1
to -6 for [attr] have a special meaning:
-1 - do not change the current value of this attribute
-2 - use the default value for this attribute
-3 - increment the value of this attribute
-4 - decrement the value of this attribute
-5 - increment the background color for this attribute
-6 - decrement the background color for this attribute
winbor [window] [x] [y] [xo] [yo] [options].
Sets the border for the window [window]. [x] is the thickness for
the left and right borders. [y] is the thickness for the top and
bottom borders. [xo] and [yo] are the amount of horizontal and
vertical overlap on the border corners. The following [options] are
i - 3D inward effect
o - 3D outward effect
s - changes the size of other parts of the window to accommodate
the new border sizes. If this option is not specified, the
entire window may grow or shrink.
For the following [options], the borders are drawn using the text
graphics characters. [x], [y], [xo], and [yo] are ignored, the
horizontal and vertical border thickness is always 1, and there is
no overlap on the border corners:
1 - single line
2 - double horizontal
3 - double vertical
4 - double line
5 - solid
6 - blank
Window Functions 76
winfra [window] [options] [west title width] [east title width]
[west menu width] [control location].
Defines the window frame components to be displayed for the window
[window]. [options] determine which window frame components are
displayed. You can choose any combination of the following options:
b - borders
m - primary menu
w - west title bar
n - north title bar
e - east title bar
s - south title bar
h - horizontal scroll bar
v - vertical scroll bar
1 - menu bar 1
2 - menu bar 2
3 - menu bar 3 (south)
4 - menu bar 4 (west)
z - south title controls
> - place north title bar in the window border
+ - add specified options to existing window
- - remove specified options from existing window
The following arguments to "winfra" can also be specified:
[west title width] - the width of the west title (if present)
[east title width] - the width of the east title (if present)
[west menu width] - the width of the west menu bar (if present)
[control location] - the location of the window title bar controls
(n=north title bar, s=south title bar)
winshd [window] [bot] [right] [bot indent] [right indent].
Adds or removes the shadow on the right and bottom sides of the
window [window]. [bot] and [right] specify the shadow thickness on
the bottom and right borders. If [bot] and [right] are zero or null,
the shadow is removed. [bot lead] and [right lead] specify the
amount of indentation for the bottom and right shadows. Returns 1 if
success or null if failure.
winsh2 [window] [attr] [bot indent] [right indent]
Adds or removes a one-half width shadow on the right and bottom
sides of the window [window]. This function is intended for use with
Window Functions 77
stationary windows on a blank background (such as dialog box
controls). [attr] is the shadow color. [bot lead] and [right lead]
specify the amount of indentation for the bottom and right shadows.
Returns 1 if success or null if failure.
winscr [window] [x] [y] [options] [reps].
Scrolls the text buffer displayed in the window [window] to the
position [x], [y]. The following [options] can be specified:
r - [x] and [y] are relative to the current position (default)
a - [x] and [y] designate the absolute column and line number
to scroll to.
d - the window contents are redrawn immediately after each scroll.
There is no need to call "windra" or "texdra".
c - the window cursor mark (if any) is moved to same extent that
the window is scrolled.
p - [y] is ignored and the window is scrolled up or down by the
window height minus one line. If [y] is less than zero, the
window is scrolled up. If [y] is greater than zero, the window
is scrolled down.
Note that this function will only redraw the window contents if the
"d" option is specified. If the "d" option is not specified, use the
"windra" and "texdra" functions to redraw.
[reps] specifies the amount of scroll "repetitions" to occur (the
default is 1). A value of [reps] greater than 1 used with the "d"
option can provide for a "smooth scroll" effect.
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
winadj [window] [x] [y].
Scrolls the window [window] relative to the position of the cursor
mark associated with the window. The cursor mark is not moved. The
window is scrolled so that the cursor is [x] columns away from the
left edge of the client area and [y] lines away from the top edge of
the client area.
If zero is specified for [x] or [y], the window is not scrolled in
that dimension. If -1 is specified for [x] or [y], the window view
is adjusted so that the cursor is placed in the center of the window
for the specified dimension.
Note that this call will not automatically redraw the text buffer in
the window. Use the "windra" or "texdra" function to redraw the
Window Functions 78
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
winbar [window] [value] [limit] [options].
Sets the thumb position on the horizontal or vertical scroll bars
for the window [window]. If option "v" is not specified, then
[limit] specifies the scroll bar range and [value] is the thumb
position to set within that range. The following options may be
x - sets the thumb position on the horizontal scroll bar
y - sets the thumb position on the vertical scroll bar
d - draws the scroll bar immediately after setting the thumb.
If this option is not specified, then "windra" must be used.
v - [value] and [limit] specify the virtual x and y coordinates
on the screen where the thumb should be set. The coordinates
must be inside the scroll bar thumb ranges. This option can be
used to allow the mouse to drag the scroll bar thumb.
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
winsiz [window] [l] [t] [r] [b] [reps] [options] [rel window].
Changes the size and position of the window [window]. [l], [t], [r],
and [t] specify the new window coordinates. The following [options]
can be specified:
r - coordinates are relative to the current window position
a - coordinates are absolute (relative the "origin" - see below)
c - coordinates specify the size of the client area, not the
whole area of the window
s - scrolls the window to keep the cursor mark visible, if
If option "a" is specified, the following options may also be
d - origin is at the top left corner of the screen
w - origin is at the top left corner of the window [rel window]
1 - origin is at the top left corner of the client area of the
window [rel window]
z - origin is at the virtual coordinates 0, 0
If option "r" is specified, [reps] specifies the number of sizing
repetitions (the default is 1).
Window Functions 79
When a window is resized, all parts of the window are automatically
redrawn ("windra" or "texdra" are not required). This function
returns 1 if successful or null if failure.
winmov [window] [l] [t] [reps] [options] [rel window].
Moves the window [window] to the coordinates [l], [t]. This call is
nearly identical to the function "winsiz" (see above), except that
only the position of the window can be changed, not its relative
wintil [window] [options] [split thresh] [limit].
Tiles all windows on the screen, or "splits" the window [window]
into tiles. [limit] specifies the maximum number of tiles. If
[limit] is null or zero, then all windows will be tiled.
[split thresh] specifies the number of splits that can occur in one
direction before the next split occurs in a perpendicular direction.
If [split thresh] is null or zero, then the default is 2.
The following [options] may be specified:
h - favor horizontal splits
v - favor vertical splits
l - tile only the window [window], and any windows which display
the same text buffer as [window].
b - reverse the tiling order by starting with the window on the
This function returns 1 if success or null if failure.
qwin [window].
Returns 1 if the window [window] exists or null if it does not
qwinmrk [window].
Returns the cursor mark associated with the window [window], or null
if failure.
qwintex [window].
Returns the text buffer associated with the window [window], or null
if failure.
Window Functions 80
qwinx [window] [virtual x-coordinate].
If [virtual x-coordinate] is specified:
Returns the visible column number in the window [window] at the
specified virtual x-coordinate, or null if failure.
Returns the left-most column number shown in the window [window].
qwiny [window] [virtual y-coordinate].
If [virtual y-coordinate] is specified:
Returns the visible line number in the window [window] at the
specified virtual y-coordinate, or null if failure.
Returns the top-most line number shown in the window [window].
Returns the bottom-most window on the screen.
qwintop [options].
Returns the top-most window on the screen. If no options are
specified, the top-most "parent-less" window is returned. If option
"z" is specified, the top-most window is returned, whether or not
the window has a parent window (this is the "default" window at the
top of the window list).
qwinpre [window] [options].
Returns the previous window in the window list before the window
[window]. If option "z" is specified, then a child window may be
returned, otherwise the closest window before [window] at the same
level as [window] is returned. Returns null if failure.
qwinnex [window] [options].
Returns the next window in the window list after the window
[window]. If option "z" is specified, then a child window may be
returned, otherwise the closest window after [window] at the same
level as [window] is returned. Returns null if failure.
Window Functions 81
qwinpar [window].
Returns the parent window of [window] or null if failure.
qwinchi [window] [options].
Returns a child window of the window [window]. The following
[options] may be specified:
b - returns the bottom-most child window
t - returns the top-most child window
This function returns null if [window] has no child windows.
qwinttl [window] [title id] [options].
Returns the title string specified by [title id] for the window
[window]. if option "h" is specified, then this function returns the
highlighted position within the title string (if any).
qwincol [window] [element].
Returns the numeric color attribute of the element [element] for the
window [window]. See the function "wincol" for a list of one
character element codes.
qwinbor [window] [options].
Returns the border thickness or border type for the window [window].
One of the following [options] can be specified:
x - returns the width of the left and right borders
y - returns the height of the top and bottom borders
t - returns the border type (see the "winbor" function)
qwinp [window] [options].
Returns the virtual coordinates, width, or height of [window]
[options] can be any of the following:
0 - returns a main window coordinate
1 - returns a client window coordinate
Window Functions 82
l - returns the left coordinate of the window
t - returns the top coordinate of the window
r - returns the right coordinate of the window
b - returns the bottom coordinate of the window
x - returns the width of the window (the width of the client area
if option "1" is specified)
y - returns the height of the window (the height of the client
area if option "1" is specified)
d - returns the height or width of the "visible" portion of the
the window on the screen, when used with the "x" or "y"
options above
qwinfra [window] [component].
Tests for the presence of the frame component [component] in the
window [window]. See the function "winfra" for a list of one
character component codes. This function returns a non-zero value if
the specified [component] is present, otherwise null is returned.
qwinrgn [window] [x] [y].
Returns an integer code identifying the region of the window
[window] containing the virtual coordinates [x] and [y]. This
function is useful for determining the window region on which a
mouse click occurred. The following table shows the integer codes
and the corresponding window regions.
Window Functions 83
code region
──── ──────
0 [x], [y] are not in the window
1 client area
2 north border
3 east border
4 south border
5 west border
6 northwest border corner
7 northeast border corner
8 southeast border corner
9 southwest border corner
11 north title bar
12 south title bar
13 west title
14 east title
19 vertical & horizontal scroll bar intersection
21 vert scroll bar up arrow
22 vert scroll bar down arrow
23 vert scroll bar page-up bar
24 vert scroll bar page-down bar
25 vert scroll bar thumb
31 horz scroll bar left arrow
32 horz scroll bar right arrow
33 horz scroll bar page-left bar
34 horz scroll bar page-right bar
35 horz scroll bar thumb
51 - 100 window title bar controls from left to right
101- 200 primary menu bar items from left to right
201- 300 menu bar 1 items from left to right
301- 400 menu bar 2 items from left to right
401- 500 menu bar 3 items from left to right
501- 600 menu bar 4 items from top to bottom
qwinbar [window] [limit] [options].
Returns the current position of the scroll bar thumb in the range
0 - [limit] for the window [window]. The following [options] can be
Window Functions 84
x - horizontal scroll bar
y - vertical scroll bar
If no [options] are specified, the default is "y".
qwincnt [window].
Returns the number of child windows for the parent window [window].
If [window] is null, this function returns the total number of
"parent-less" windows in the window list.
qwinmen [window] [menu bar id] [options] [item].
Returns information about the menu bar [menu bar id] on the window
[window]. [item] is an integer specifying the relative position of a
menu bar item from the beginning of the menu bar. If [item] is not
specified, the currently highlighted menu bar item (if any) is
assumed. The following [options] may be specified:
s - returns the menu bar item string for [item]
o - returns the offset (in columns) of [item] from the beginning
of the menu bar
c - returns the highlighted character for [item]
n - returns the total number of menu bar items
qwintic [window] [n].
This function returns the "[n]th" one-character title bar control
that was specified with the "wintic" function. For the left-most
title bar control, n is "1".
The Aurora Macro Language and The Aurora Editor 85
A-1 The Aurora Macro Language and The Aurora Editor
This section describes some aspects of The Aurora Editor from the
point of view of The Aurora Macro Language.
The Aurora Editor is itself a compiled macro language program
contained in the file A.X. The programs A.EXE and A3.EXE are macro
language interpreters which execute A.X.
The main macro source file for A.X is the file A.A. The file A.A does
very little except to include ACFG.A (configuration settings), AMEN.A
(menu definitions), ALIB.X, (compiled editor library functions),
AKBD.A (keyboard and mouse definitions), and ATRN.A (text translation
definitions). When A.A is compiled, all of the above files are
combined and A.X is generated.
When The Aurora Editor is initially started from the DOS command line,
A.X is executed and the following things happen:
- The configuration settings (in ACFG.A) are placed in the object
"prf" via the "set" native function.
- The editor menus (in AMEN.A) are created via the "winmen" and
"texmen" native functions.
- All editor library functions are included from the file ALIB.X.
Library functions are the editor commands described in The Aurora
Editor Users Guide.
- The keyboard and mouse definition functions (in AKBD.A) are added to
event handler objects such as "edit", "fmgr", "prompt", etc.
- The text translation table (in ATRN.A) is created.
- The history file (A.HIS) and saved key macros are loaded (if
- Edit windows and/or File Manager windows are created, depending
on what was entered on the DOS command line or remembered from
a previous edit session.
It is important to keep the following things in mind when writing your
own macro commands for The Aurora Editor:
1) The top-most window displayed on the screen is always the "default"
window, and can be referenced with a null window name in any of the
"win" native functions.
The Aurora Macro Language and The Aurora Editor 86
Likewise, the text buffer and cursor mark displayed in the top-most
window are the "default" text buffer and the "default" mark. They
can also be referenced with null text buffer and null mark names in
the "tex" and "mrk" native functions.
2) The file name displayed in an Edit window is the first title (title
id "1") for the window, and can be accessed with the "qwinttl"
2) When the user creates a marked block for use with the "block"
functions (such as copy, move, delete, etc.), that mark can be
referenced with the mark name "*". This mark cannot be referenced
with a null mark name, since that would refer to the cursor mark.
3) The Aurora Editor uses timer id's 6, 7, 8, and 9. This leaves timer
id's 0 through 5 available.
4) The Aurora Editor creates the following "event" objects:
"edit" - edit windows
"fmgr" - file manager windows
"menu" - menu windows
"prompt" - prompt windows and edit fields
The Aurora Editor sets the current event object based on the window
type of the top-most window. For example, if the top-most window is
a File Manager window, then the current event object is "fmgr".
Other objects used by The Aurora Editor are:
"a" - all windows
"mon" - all windows
"win" - movable or sizable windows
"edit-fmgr" - edit and file manger windows
"dlg" - dialog boxes
"trn" - text translation object (default)